Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Odd Girl Out

Me being bullied and people bullying me go hand and hand. There have been times when I’ve bullied people and other people have bullied me. But the one time I felt like I was being ganged up on, was when I was in the seventh grade. I know when reading my writing it seems like my seventh grade year was hell; and that people would through eggs at me all day. But in the seventh grade I thought every one there was my friend, and they really weren’t that’s what made my experience so horrible.

In seventh grade I went to a really small school with only thirty-six kids in the whole middle school and high school, nine students in my class, three other girls in my class, and nine middle school girls. I was really close too three people. But it seemed like every time I turned around they had something to say. It doesn’t really matter to me if people make fun of me, but when I trust someone and they think it’s a joke; so they spread rumors “lies” about me’ that’s not cool.

I remember another time when all girls in my grade ganged up on me, i felt so hurt; so when I told one of them to leave me alone and take accountability for her own actions. Then she began to cry; and then the whole school came at me crazy. Like I did something wrong, and for the rest of the day I didn’t talk to anyone but my friend Adjanai. After that situation I don’t really talk to anyone that’s in the same grade as me. I haven’t in over a year and probably won’t any time soon.

In both of those particular situations I didn’t have many choices, to ignore or leave. There wasn’t anywhere to leave to or anyone to ignore. It was so little of us everything I did I did with the same people who would be mean and horrible to me. My whole time in the seventh grade I only had one friend, and she was also getting bullied on as well. For the longest I swore those people were my friends but all along they really weren’t and I was too blinded to know that.

I think that people bully others to either 1) get attention 2) Out of spite 3) superiority 4) jealousy or 5) personal issues at home. I feel like when certain people get around others who don’t speak for themselves or are shy, they think that those kind of people are the kind of people they can control. So basically I think that people bully others, so they can control; because they get controlled themselves.


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