Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette Project Review

It's weird in most people Vignettes project at some point they talked about there family. Most people either talked about injuries, emotions, past expirences, hair, and the oh-so common topic of family. Most people when they talk about family they talk about how close they are to there family,ot what there fmaily personally means to them. I didn't see alot of vignettes where there were certain people picked out from others; when looking for some commmon topics to talk about I saw the words Dad in several languages. There was the Tatuszu Kasia's pronuctiation in polish, Papi Christians Dad in Spanish, and Ldazhe in the once again oh-so common language of english; just Dad.

When reading Kasia's vignette she talks about who her father is in my opinion and what he means to her

My Dad, my tatuszu, he’s so conservative. Born and raised in Polish communism in the 60’s, refugee status in the late 80’s- he can’t help himself sometimes, you know. (Kasia)

Now looking at Christian's vignette he uses the words Papi to describe his father instead of saying Dad or Daddy, and when he uses these words to describes this type of  special experience he had with his father.

Come on Cristian, hurry, there’s a neat little smell over by that tree.
PAPI! HOLD ON! (Christian)

See when Ldazhe talks about her father unlike Christian or Kasia she doesn't use a special word to describe her father or a special relationship with her father; it's like becuase she doesn't have this positive realtionship she has no special word; maybe it is becuase she doesn't call her father anything but dad, but it was still kinda crazy.
I knew my dad like I knew the dark scared me. Yet I never knew my dad would become what I was afraid of....I didn’t recognize my dad and his ferocious face, red and swelling. (Ldazhe)

 And instead of saying poring oh "Dad" she adds in this "Tatuszu" I'm not even sure if in Polish Tatuszu means father but it's a ncie descritive word to say father; after I get this point of Tatuszu and a fighter based on Kasia's words I think that Kasia is proud of her father.


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