Thursday, March 17, 2011

Table of Contents 
1.       I love my Name!
2.      The Bird’s Nest
3.      Escalators, and Casinos
4.      Squirrel
5.      Nikes

I love my name!

My name is gorgeous I just think that it’s amazing, I don’t mean to sound cocky but my middle name could be the name of like a restaurant “Hi, welcome to Neyyerah’s”. My name in Arabic Ale’ah means Peace, Joy, and Hope. I think that I live up to two of those standards I think that I have a lot of Hope, and I strive for things, and I think that I’m Joyful; I guess.

But I know I’m not Peaceful, I’m very violent like the time when I went off on my math teacher, like a lion pouncing on his prey, or the time I scratched my boyfriends face on accident, and he got a scar like Scar from The Lion King, for like the rest of the year he had this deep cut, it was thick enough to hold a penny, after that I tried stop being violent and being peaceful; but I guess I’m not the most peaceful person. That’s right my name Go!, and everybody is going to know who Ale’ah Neyyerah Bashir-Baaqee is.


I look like a squirrel, and I know it. So I don’t really care when people call me a squirrel because I ‘m very used to being called Squirrel. When I was little I used to play with fire, I liked playing with fire like dogs like playing with bones, I was attached, once I was in the bathroom trying to warm up some water in a plastic bottle, and I was holding the bottle with a napkin, and the napkin caught on fire and I made a big mess, and when my grandma found out she was so appalled.
All the times that there was a fire lit I would come and blow it out. It was me but my grandma thought that it was her adoptive son Herald. Ever since than my grandma called me a squirrel and a fire Bug. Last year I went to a new school, and the first nickname I got was squirrel, at first I didn’t understand why I was being called squirrel, and I didn’t like it but I got used to it.
Purple were calling me Squirrel cuase’ I look like a squirrel
In the last month of school me and all my friends Nokono, crazy Zaleigha,and  Aziza were all sitting in class when my new math teacher was teaching; and she heard some dogs bark; and then she started this story about the movie Up, then she said in the movie Up the dogs yell squirrel! And every looked at me  when she said Squirrel! Everyone in the class laughed and so did I and ever since then I don’t mind if people call me Squirrel!   

Escalators and Casinos

The sky walks quicker, that is what the old bearded man said to my grandma, sister, and I when we standing at light for over 2 minutes.
How we get to the sky-walk, my grandma said.
The bearded man replied go up those stairs, he pointed, then through the upstairs sushi bar and casino and down the escalators then you will be in the Atlantis hotel.
‘Nyah, Leah hurry up we have to go if we want to be awake to go skiing.  So that's what we did we rushed upstairs with our four bags of stuffed animals straight from Circus Circus in the great city of Reno, Nevada.
Therefore, we went up the cold concrete stairs that smelled of rotten urine, through the cigarette-covered alcohol smelling sushi and right around the bright pink and green upstairs Mini-Casino.
Then we saw it.  What looked like an ordinary transportation device wasn’t a simple transportation device.  It was full of death, pain, and screams, and anything else you could think of that is bad.
Then, we went down and everything was normal, until it snuck out and grabbed me.  It was so quick I could not believe it. It grabbed me and it held me and it wouldn’t let me go; I stayed up there and I couldn’t get down.  But the Escalator of death was trying to bring me down but the nail had me, it had my shoelace more specifically it had my ankle; and I was stuck
But that’s when Everyone on the escalator flew. They flew to my rescue people I had never even seen came to my rescue and then we all flew. That thing, that nail had no choose but to let me go, and give my ankle back. Yeah I learned and lived that day; I learned that when we are in need no matter what people size, shape height, color, anything: it doesn’t matter people will always help you.

The Birds Nest

That is what they called it and that is what it looked like, a birds nest.  I’d seen one before in a tree at my home, with little hummingbirds flying in and out of it every year; but this one was different. It was big silver bright, glowing. Anything you can imagine that is what it was.
Most of all it was amazing.  Spectacular even. I wanted to be in the birds nest. But only the best of the best could have ran track in the Birds Nest stadium in Beijing, China. Only the rich could buy a ticket to see these track runners perform, and only the lucky like me could see it. But when I saw it it was amazing. But then again I was in the amazing city of Beijing, China; and I was there to dance.
That’s right dance in  the Chinese festival of international dance  I was, invited me and my dance company of the African Queens to perform. The only African dance troupe there. And me I was there living the life, walking the great wall, dancing in amusement parks, living in five star hotels. Opening pearls, and looking at Jade. Oh and don’t forget shopping at one of the biggest malls in the world. That is right; and walking the forbidden city; that’s right I lived and learned life is short so do it right and do it big.


I love shoes, and shoes love me. I have a bunch of shoes Nike's, Jordan's, Air-Nike's, Boots, flats, Uggs, converse, and anything else. My favorite shoes are tennis shoes I can rock with anything else. I love matching I’m always matching so I need enough shoes that I can rock with anything else. My shoes are like my veins, I need my shoes with ought them I'm dead.
My shoes are my world.


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