Friday, December 17, 2010

Lhadze is an Amazing Person!

OMG, I was going through a bunch of blogposts on google reader and I found Meriams response to Lhadze's Blog Post. I dint read Meriams response I just read Lhadze's actual post. I think that a person who honestly think this way about others is an amazing person inside and out. You wouldn't think that a scene/emo person like Lhadze would write something so touching.

Disability issues are common all over the world. People are born mentally & physically handicapped. Even if they can't walk or hold still it does not mean that they are not human. These people deserve all the rights everyone else. Because they have all the rights of normal people....How would you like to be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life? I mean we all dream to be on top, famous, or happy, but when we treat these people so rudely you don't how much we hurt them making them feel so much lower.  Next time think before you act. Don't insult the less fortunate cause that can be you tomorrow.
All I have to say is what human being still thinks like this. I wish we all thought like Lhadze. I've never really noticed things about others like that. Like today I went to a Christmas party, and my sister and I were laughing at this girl, and when my grandma pointed out that this was very rude and mean, and we couldn't talk about her because we didn't know her situation it made me feel really bad on the inside. When I think of the people who cant even walk I feel like crying. But yet when I see them there smiling.

One way I call my head is I listen to music and like to walk or run place. What if I did not have legs? What if I was def? What if I had cancer, and no hair? When I think of things in depth and life just in general I get so depressed. Because honestly at any day we could be walking to school and someone can pull onto the curb hit us and paralyze us from the waist down. That's why when people(who aren't disabled and do not have a disability) act a certain way I feel bad for them because people really don't understand that KARMA is a B****. And what goes around comes around. Unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way. So when I tell you this please be nice. And have a merry berry Christmas and the next time y'all her ma loud voice it will be 2011.
P.S. I suggest all the readers out there make there new new years resolution is too not only say nice things but think nice things.

So today we had our last LCD Discussion and once again Beatrice and I bumped heads on how the main character Winter, and a male character named Midnight feel about each other. Beatrice said that Midnight does love Winter but I know he doesn't. In the end of the book winter was supposed to go back to Brooklyn and go get some letters from her mother. But she didn't because she was afraid of what her too old friends (Simone and Natalie) would do too her. When she finally did go back to Brooklyn, the worst happened. Simone cut her face up, and Winter was left in a car. Where the police charged her for Drug possession, Murder, and other things that landed her in Jail for fifteen years at an minimum.

Later on we find out that shes already served eight years, and she never gets a visit from anyone. We also find out that all her friends from the hood, also got arrested for drug charges(P.S. they did  not do anything like winter they were with a man who was doing drugs, the girls got charged and the men didn't because they left the girl hanging.) This makes think of women in general. How come women can put there whole life in the hands of a man? In the coldest winter ever Winter always gets everything from her father. But when the house gets raided she realizes she has to learn to survive on her own, instead of depending on men. For the rest of the book if winter can't find a way to do something for herself than she can't feel safe.

Winter feels like that at all times she needs to have at least a little bit of money in her pocket. That's why when she went and stayed with Bullet, it was so strange. He never ever let her have any money and he did not really trust her as a person. In my opinion he was just to iffy. I feel like life would have been much better if Winter had an different outlook on men. She needs to realize that all men are not like her father. Her father loved her and would die for her no matter if she lied, it wasn't the same.

And at the same time once again we were arguing about winter and her relationship with him. But overall I hated the book. I do not want to even read Midnight, another book written by Sister Souljah. The book had a horrible ending and the author made herself look like a hero in the book which is BS.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

So I've made it to the second section of the Coldest Winter Ever, and I dislike Winter even more than I did before. She's proven that she cant grow and she cant improve at what she does. It's like this girl stays the same. She knows that she doesn't have allot of money but shes constantly trying to spend it to get with Midnight. Midnight is a dude who only sees Winter as the little Sister he never got a chance to help.

When Adralyn, Beatrice, and I were having our discussion in class Beatrice kept saying that Midnight does Love Winter. But see I was saying that he doesn't not like her. She only thinks of her as a sister. Like onetime, when Midnight had to take winter and her sisters shopping, and Winter was picking out clothes but Midnight though that they were way to inappropriate. He said that the outfit he picked out was something that he would let his sister where who was fourteen at the time.

Beatrice on the other hand Beatrice was saying that  Midnight loves Winter. But he doesn't when he was about to leave Winter asked why wont you take me with me you his reply was "your self centered.You only pay attention to yourself. You don't pay attention to the world around you. I'm not going to let you slow me down." He wouldn't take Winter with him because she can't benefit him at all. Shes so lazy its crazy.

Another issue I was having was that the author put herself in the book. I didn't like that all, why would she put herself in the story as a savior. The story made herself think that shes the best person ever. She's way too secretive, she was like I know nothing about you winter. But in the end she knew allot like, she knew her family , and she knew midnight very well. But in the end I didn't like how Winter stole 7,000$ from an AIDS benefit. What kind of person does that. But Karma came back and she don't have no money so knows she broke.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

So this time around we were given a chance to pick our books, and I choose a very very intresting book by a lady names Sister Souljah. Its called the coldest winter ever and its captured in first person narrative from a girl named Winters Point of view. When I first started reading this book I fell in love with Winter. Shes a very interesting over privileged girl. She was born and raised in Brooklyn and later moved to Long Island.

Her father is a major rich drug dealer who does everything for her, so in a sense she doesn't know how to survive on her own. She looks down on others who can't spend like she, and she only dates men who have money to spend on her. She's a very promiscuous character, Winter. In the beginning of the book its explained that she had sex at the tender age of twelve which is a big hint to what kind of person she is. The only problem is her father Santiago doesn't want his daughter acting like this.

In the story Santiago has many street souljers who actually sell the drug and one of his most trusted is Midnight. The man who Winter has wanted to get with for since she was thirteen, the man who is five years older than winter, and the man who only looks at winter as a baby sister who he doesn't respect at all. Santiago drug dealing empire comes to a fall, Winter her three sister and mother have to find a way to fend for themselves. But Winter's mom becomes a crackhead and her sisters are left in CPS (Child Protective Services). Winter is taken to a group home where she starts little fashion business where she sell things to her friends there. but winter doesn't have alot of money so she gets her long time friend Simone to steal it for her, but one day when Simone is stealing the clothes for Winter to where to a concert, she gets caught the first person she calls to bail her out is Winter; but what does winter say NO.

That brings me to my first point Winter is such a horrible friend to her Mom,Sister,Simone, and Natalie. WHy couldn't she just have bailed her out, and on top of that shes spending hndreds of dollars even though she only has $2500. Just to impress Midnight who does not like her and who left winter whithought her, but apparentley she doesn't realize that he really doesn't like her. Shes a desperate whore, but I think thats over the time os this book she's learning.

Oakland is Hella Bomb!

So this week I decided to write about my main city Oakland. Like Luis if you did not know I live in Oakland, Obviously. I'm going to take an excerpt from Luis and Alex this week. So Two Response post this week basically.

Alex Tang Posted:

This was really pointed out to me the other day when I was flipping through the TV channels and I came upon this show named gang wars. This show caught my attention in particular because it was talking about the gangs and violence in Oakland. The show specifically focused on the cycle of violence. Whenever one act of of violence was committed it would be responded to by another act of violence. It is a sad truth that many people in Oakland have to deal with.
Luis Said:

Oakland is a great place to live at. If you may not know, I live in Oakland. Oakland is so much fun, so many things to do all day. You can go walking around, play sports, or just hang out with some friends. There are many places where you can go, the park, stores, or just outside. Many people out there say," Ohhhh... Oakland is dangerous, do not go outside or you will get shot." No, this hardly happens where I live, sometimes. Most danger is not during the day, it is during the night. What would you be doing at night all alone anyways. Overall, many stuff are to be done in Oakland and enjoyed, and it is my pleasure to be able to explore this amazing city.
When I first read Luis's response post I thought Alex Noble had posted this, but in fact it was Alex Tang who lives in Oakland. What the hell Alex, are you stupid. If you didn't notice this Oakland is not as violent as people portray it to be.Honestly. I live in West Oakland where there are shootings every know and again, but I've been living there for five going on six years after moving from Berkeley and I've never been Shot at.

Luis said this correctly that Oakland is an amazing city. I am so proud that I live in Oakland instead of bootsy Alameda. There's always something to do and someone to hang out with. I remember I told a friend of mine that I attended a school in Alameda and they said "Wheres that". Then I said "See, its so weak you don't even know where it is."

I am proud that I live in a city like Oakland and Alameda or Lafayette, Dublin, Plesinton. Great city's that actually mean something. For Alex to say something like crap that Oakland has to much gangs and violence, the majority of Oakland is not that Violent and in My opinion I think that its the police that make Oakland Violent.
