Friday, December 17, 2010

Lhadze is an Amazing Person!

OMG, I was going through a bunch of blogposts on google reader and I found Meriams response to Lhadze's Blog Post. I dint read Meriams response I just read Lhadze's actual post. I think that a person who honestly think this way about others is an amazing person inside and out. You wouldn't think that a scene/emo person like Lhadze would write something so touching.

Disability issues are common all over the world. People are born mentally & physically handicapped. Even if they can't walk or hold still it does not mean that they are not human. These people deserve all the rights everyone else. Because they have all the rights of normal people....How would you like to be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life? I mean we all dream to be on top, famous, or happy, but when we treat these people so rudely you don't how much we hurt them making them feel so much lower.  Next time think before you act. Don't insult the less fortunate cause that can be you tomorrow.
All I have to say is what human being still thinks like this. I wish we all thought like Lhadze. I've never really noticed things about others like that. Like today I went to a Christmas party, and my sister and I were laughing at this girl, and when my grandma pointed out that this was very rude and mean, and we couldn't talk about her because we didn't know her situation it made me feel really bad on the inside. When I think of the people who cant even walk I feel like crying. But yet when I see them there smiling.

One way I call my head is I listen to music and like to walk or run place. What if I did not have legs? What if I was def? What if I had cancer, and no hair? When I think of things in depth and life just in general I get so depressed. Because honestly at any day we could be walking to school and someone can pull onto the curb hit us and paralyze us from the waist down. That's why when people(who aren't disabled and do not have a disability) act a certain way I feel bad for them because people really don't understand that KARMA is a B****. And what goes around comes around. Unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way. So when I tell you this please be nice. And have a merry berry Christmas and the next time y'all her ma loud voice it will be 2011.
P.S. I suggest all the readers out there make there new new years resolution is too not only say nice things but think nice things.


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