Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflexive Essay

During my first Quarter of writing my blog posts received responses affected how I look at things in general. Over a course of one Quarter I've written seventeen blog posts. Some blog posts have been very controversial others which have been boring, others very lazily written, and some which just make me angry to see the response posts. My first blog posts where just assignments, but as I progressed I seemed to be starting very controversial debates a lot of which were on the topic of race. After a couple of those debates, I slowed down on my writing and just put boring stuff on blogger I knew people wouldn't read.

Over my fourteen years of living on this earth I haven't had a very diverse group of friends. Our opinions on a lot of topics have all been the same basically. I predicated posting blog posts I would hear a lot of agreement. I received the opposite of what I believed people would say. I got a lot of disagreement when people responded to my posts, when I was reading some of these response posts I got really angry and sad because people didn't' agree with me. Then I realized there are a lot of people who aren't going to agree with every thing I have to say. One post I wrote was called Swagga-Style When I wrote this post I asked for people
to comment not really meaning anything of it, know one had ever responded to any of my other posts; so I didn’t believe they would do it this time. But when Mr. Sutherland showed it to the sophomores instantly the sophomores went home to respond to my posts. A lot of the posts where saying I was racist or prejudice, but one specific person grizzelle e. wrote a response post about my Swagga-Style post. One thing I noticed about her posts that differentiated from the rest of response posts were instead of completely writing about how I’m prejudice she suggests ideas on how to better my writing in that particularly posts and in the future. I realized that sometimes it’s not the topic itself, it’s the way I approached the topic and my format of writing it. If I had of changed my format, I would have made a better argument to my audience. With ought grizzelle e. pointing this ought to me, I would have just thought that I choose a topic that should never be discussed, but I choose a lot of amazing topics that need to be discussed; I just need to learn to write a more convincing argument.

At the beginning of writing my blog I was so passionate and happy about writing a blog, but as I kept writing I began dislike it. I started writing blogs about topics that I wanted to talk about, but I knew if I began a conversation about these specific topics it would be random. So I decided to choose my topics on what I really wanted to hear a debate on. Towards the end and even now I don’t really like writing on my blog. After being talked about I just feel like blogging isn’t worth it. I understand that my topics just need to be written better; I just feel like no matter what happens my blogs will be bashed. I guess now after hearing people’s opinions on my blog, I’m not confident on writing at all. If I’m given a prompt then in my opinion I can write an amazing essay. I just feel that my confidence on writing has gone down. I already knew that I wasn’t a good writer but now I defiantly know it. I’ve realized that over my time writing on the blogs I have talked a lot about race. Not every person in the world is as Outgoing or willing to talk about race. I can’t personally always expect every single person to be on my side when I’m talking about race. As a result of this I need to understand when the appropriate time to talk about these particular subjects is. But in general I’m going to try to stop bringing up race, weather ‘ about me or someone else. I don’t know who is comfortable with those kinds of discussions; I’m not going to go around and ask who is. Plus I’ve also noticed that someone people don’t really want to hear me talk about these particular subjects, so I will neither talk about them nor write about them. In general I guess blogging was a great experience because I learned how to better voice my opinions, but I’m not as confident to write as I was before.

When I’m writing in Mrs. Corbally class I have prompt to choose from and an formats to follow, so I’m following guidelines. But when I’m writing in Mr. Sutherland’s room I’m really just saying stuff I feel like talking about at that moment and that time. Our work doesn’t get edited its not proofed its just thoughts. We don’t get eon how to write it better in my opinion the majority of the time we get feedback on if the reader liked it or not, and that’s it. I prefer to write strictly academic thing rather than blogs. Just because I’m graded on how I write instead of what my subject being chosen to write about. I just feel like Academic wring in my opinion is much better for me personally. Plus in her class, later our papers get edited we so we constantly work on these one specific papers.

Next Quarter I want my writing to be less controversial. I think that I’m going to stop writing about topics that constantly swerve debates. I find a lot of times debates, topics, and writing opinions get talked about negatively/ Its probably because I look at my discussion on one-side; in a way I think I’m very biased. People don’t wan to hear or read biased opinions, and I don’t constantly want to be talked about how racist I am. It’s really just not working out for me. Instead I’m going to pick topics that are appropriate, for school and other peoples opinion. As a human being I want to better myself, and I don’t want to unconsciously put any one down. That’s not my goal, I just want people to read my work; but one thing I have l learned form blogging is technically- you don’t have the freedom of speech.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Q's Essay

Q’s Better Bigger Confidence

In Q’s travels through the dinosaur he’s more confident and out right in himself, where as in the Aquatic Uncle he’s not.

Q’s more confident in himself in the fact that he thinks, he should get any girl he wants. So he’ll make sure he gets a girl like half-breed.

“and you don’t dance with me , Ill dance with another”. I cried. I grasped the half-breed by one paw, carrying her off Zahn’s nose. First he watched us move without understanding, he was so lost in his amorous contemplation, then he seized with jealous rage... The half-breed and I already dived into the river and were swimming toward the other-bank to hide in the bushes”.

Q Shows that he’s good enough for any female and if Fern-Flower does not want him then he’ll definitely go get someone who does. Compared to the aquatic uncle Q is a much stronger person I bet if this was another story, he would not have taken half-breed like that. But he’s trying to make a point to two people that he is dominant and if there’s something he wants he’ll go get it and know one will stop him. For example it said Zahn raged with jalousie he wouldn’t have stepped to Q because of the last fight he got whooped.

Ever since Zhan met Q he’s been really suspicious of him. He doesn’t trust him so he rally wants to test his loyalty to this new group of people/ weasels.

”I’d like to see him in battle, with that little lizard’s mouth of his…” Zahn went over to him, abruptly, nose to nose. “You can see me right now, if you don’t run away”.

In the aquatic uncle he would never stand up to his uncle, but he steps up too Zahn, no problem. He quickly proves how strong he is, and he nips it in the bud. With ought anymore confrontation he proves how strong he is. This quote in my opinion is a step up from Q in the last story, He’s much more confident. He’s very sensitive but he’s really out there. Especially during this fight he’s ready to show that he’s on top and how he’s not a trader, and he’s here to help.

Q is the so worried about only himself, he thinks that if the creatures find out he’s a dinosaur that there going to kill him. Nut he doesn’t realize that he’s been away for a while, and he’s the last dinosaur so these creatures have never probably seen a dinosaur before.

“Yes, I am one, if you dare to know”, I shouted” a dinosaur that’s what I am! Since you never have seen any dinosaurs, here, take a look at me!”

Q just wants to hurry up and tell the little animals that he is a dinosaur. But he doesn’t feel obligated to hide his true self anymore. In the very beginning of this story he starts out by not wanting to burst out the fact that he’s a dinosaur. Through this story unlike the aquatic uncle he grows within the story at the end he, ends up taking pride into the fact that he is a dinosaur, and just blurts it out.

Of Mice and Men Essay

Of Mice and men is a novella written by John Steinbeck. This story portrays two struggling men, who have been hit by the great depression. They wander around trying to find work, and in the process they meet characters who will change their liives forever. The central conflict in Of Mice and Men is character vs. character because, in this story one of of the main characters Lennie is having a hard time dealing with people who aren't’ like his best friend George. He comes in contact with more than two other characters that really test who he is, and what he’s all about. But he hasn’t completely grasped who to deal with conflict so most of the time its just his anger answering for him.

In Of Mice and Men Lennie is having a hard time really following the rules at the new barn, Curley and Curley’s wife constantly want to do wrong by Lennie even though he’s never done anything to them. When Lennie is alone people start to pick on him, and without George he’s lost.

“George says, I ain’t to have nothing to do with you- talk to you or nothing.” She laughed, “George giving you orders about everything”. (86)

Lennie obviously know that he’s not supposed to talking to Curly’s wife, but her goal is to try and get Lennie in trouble. Her whole goal in this book is to get all the men in trouble. Lennie is so un-educated that he doesn’t realize that George is telling him to stay away from Curly’s wife for his own good. Because if the fact that Curly’s wife doesn’t know when to back off she causes the biggest conflict in the book-the conflict of death. Curly’s wife is right George does always give Lennie’s order, but 99.9% of the time if Lennie had listened he would have avoided a major conflict between characters. If Lennie had listened to George Curly’s wife would have never died. I just think George should have a more efficient way to really get Lennie to understand talking to her is bad.

Lennie decided to walk into Crook’s room and have a conversation, because he was bored. But Crooks, the only African American on the ranch and a constant target of discrimination, doesn’t want anyone in his room. So he wants Lennie to understand why and how he feels this way; but like Curley’s wife he doesn’t know that mentioning certain things to Lennie can cause him to explode.

“We’ll s’pose, jus s’pose he don’t come back, what’ll you do then”. Lennie’s face wrinkled with apprehension. “I don’ know, say, what you doin anyways?” he cried. “This ain’t true, George ain’t got hurt”. (72)

All crook’s meant by saying this was, what if Lennie didn’t’ have anyone to defend him. What if he was alone? That’s all he meant but; Lennie doesn’t understand that so once again he has this though that, George hates him, and because of this he wants to hurt crooks. If people would only leave Lennie alone. People around the ranch don’t know how far Lennie can go, how crazy and dangerous Lennie really gets under fear. It seems like with every character or the majority are really testing Lennie for who he is. I know this has nothing to do with my thesis but still all the other characters seem to be testing Lennie on who he is with himself. With ought these characters testing who Lennie is in the inside there would be know conflict on the outside.

Ever since Curley met Lennie he’s had beef with him just because he’s a big guy. So everyone including George expected them to get into it just because. Lennie doesn’t like to fight with people but sometimes he has to because he doesn’t understand everything, but the conflict with Lennie was started out of just pure hate.

Lennie took his hands away from his face and looked about for George, and Curley slashed at
his eyes, the big face was covered with blood. (63)

In this fight shown above, once again another problem escalated into something that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Curly didn’t need to start an unnecessary fight and because of this he broke his hand. People think they can just pick on Lennie because he has a slight mental disability but he still can beat anyone up if he needed to. This is one of those particular cases, where he had to defend himself so someone had to get hurt in order for them to do that. Before the fight even started Lennie was calling on George to help him, he listened to George which was the right thing to do, but it seems like at the end Steinbeck gives some details. Details that seems like Lennie is just second guessing should he have hurt curly or not. Once again he’s having a conflict vs a character; two in this case.
In conclusion I have proved how the main conflict is character vs. character. But overall I think this story has the same conflict as any other book. I believe Steinbeck didn’t want his central conflict to be known. So many other people have choose different conflicts; I just believe this book has know real main conflict it just have a bunch of different conflicts.The characters have friends and enemies so there’s nothing different. I don't really think this story is important to real life besides informing people how hard the depression was.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So every since I was born I have attended private or Charter which have all been under 400 students. CRAZY RIGHT. I am not a person to go ahead and spill my secrets to the word. So I think if I ever went to a big school like Tech or Berkeley High I would be just the same. But in my opinion I believe the amount of students or the type of students in a school can change you. I've gone to schools were education was exspensive but hard. Where the Minimum was that all the teachers expected you to excede, and they gave you tools to do that. As a result I do my work just becuase, I am so used to it about now. If I went to a public school I would still do my work the same exact way; and at the same time ever night.

Not to judge anyone but I think that if certain people at ASTI went to another school they wouldn't be the same person. I believe that other people do shape the way another human beings can think or act. I like to think that were always going to be the same person on the outside but were really not. WHERE IS THIS GOING? IDK. I guess Im just saying stuff on my mind, I thought coming to ASTI I wouldn't have to hear about petty drama, or little things that big schools have but guess what???? ASTI has the disease too. Me and some friends were talking about this the other day. Even though Im not in any of the drama it still annoys me. I guess ASTI isnt the school I thought it would be.

A few weeks ago Nawara put up a post about How its doing for the freshmen or whatever. I think the freshmen are really split up. Do i like asti so far. no. I actuallu think that ASTI would be a better school if it was bigger and more diverse.(No Racism intenneded.) ASTI is no diifrent from tech besides the majority pf the race is asian. It has its couples, Drama, popular groups, and all that. It just doesnt have that happy elemnet that Tech or Berkeley high has, I bet kids look forward to going to school in the morning when there at tech but i dont look forward to coming to school. We dont even have things like homecoming to even out the boring ness of ASTI, we just have boring alameda to back us up.

Prologue:Part 2

Prologue: Part 2
I felt an uncomfortable cold breeze as I read the letter from the clinic.
Quisha Rafiya Jones
Pregnant: Positive
STD: Negative
I was in complete shock. My body was tense; my stomach continued to kick, and my body was still drowning in pain. I didn’t know what to think or to do. I was scared I was frightened. I quickly remembered the moment my brother told my mom he got his Eighteen year old girlfriend pregnant. Even though he was little older than her it was still unacceptable for him to have gotten her pregnant. The day he told my mother that she went ballistic on him, and he immediately got kicked out the house.  My brother was her favorite child, so what would she do to me, when she found out I was pregnant.
I had to think back retrace my steps and think of who would be the father of my child, there are only two men possible. If I knew who the father was I could maybe convince my mother to allow me stay in her house. I needed to assure her that I can pay rent, work, go to school, and watch my child with-ought getting in her personal bubble. Staying out of her way would be easy I do that anyway. I knew for sure I defiantly couldn’t stay if I didn’t know who the father was so I was going to get on that issue first.
 The first option was Rae-Sean my first love and the man who raped me; or Drizzle the man who I voluntarily had sex with. Out of the two men I didn’t want either to be my baby’s father. However, from the better choice I choose Rae-Sean. I wasn’t going to just choose a ather I had to be smart about what I was thinking and what I would say too these two men. I preferably would tell Rae-Sean I’m pregnant first and see his reaction, and then I would tell Drizzle. I am not making myself seem like a hoe but I gots to look out for me and my unborn child, deep down though I had an instinct that this baby was probably drizzles. The first thing I was doin after this baby was born is I’m getting a blood test, to really find out who the baby's father was.
