Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prologue:Part 2

Prologue: Part 2
I felt an uncomfortable cold breeze as I read the letter from the clinic.
Quisha Rafiya Jones
Pregnant: Positive
STD: Negative
I was in complete shock. My body was tense; my stomach continued to kick, and my body was still drowning in pain. I didn’t know what to think or to do. I was scared I was frightened. I quickly remembered the moment my brother told my mom he got his Eighteen year old girlfriend pregnant. Even though he was little older than her it was still unacceptable for him to have gotten her pregnant. The day he told my mother that she went ballistic on him, and he immediately got kicked out the house.  My brother was her favorite child, so what would she do to me, when she found out I was pregnant.
I had to think back retrace my steps and think of who would be the father of my child, there are only two men possible. If I knew who the father was I could maybe convince my mother to allow me stay in her house. I needed to assure her that I can pay rent, work, go to school, and watch my child with-ought getting in her personal bubble. Staying out of her way would be easy I do that anyway. I knew for sure I defiantly couldn’t stay if I didn’t know who the father was so I was going to get on that issue first.
 The first option was Rae-Sean my first love and the man who raped me; or Drizzle the man who I voluntarily had sex with. Out of the two men I didn’t want either to be my baby’s father. However, from the better choice I choose Rae-Sean. I wasn’t going to just choose a ather I had to be smart about what I was thinking and what I would say too these two men. I preferably would tell Rae-Sean I’m pregnant first and see his reaction, and then I would tell Drizzle. I am not making myself seem like a hoe but I gots to look out for me and my unborn child, deep down though I had an instinct that this baby was probably drizzles. The first thing I was doin after this baby was born is I’m getting a blood test, to really find out who the baby's father was.


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