Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Q's Essay

Q’s Better Bigger Confidence

In Q’s travels through the dinosaur he’s more confident and out right in himself, where as in the Aquatic Uncle he’s not.

Q’s more confident in himself in the fact that he thinks, he should get any girl he wants. So he’ll make sure he gets a girl like half-breed.

“and you don’t dance with me , Ill dance with another”. I cried. I grasped the half-breed by one paw, carrying her off Zahn’s nose. First he watched us move without understanding, he was so lost in his amorous contemplation, then he seized with jealous rage... The half-breed and I already dived into the river and were swimming toward the other-bank to hide in the bushes”.

Q Shows that he’s good enough for any female and if Fern-Flower does not want him then he’ll definitely go get someone who does. Compared to the aquatic uncle Q is a much stronger person I bet if this was another story, he would not have taken half-breed like that. But he’s trying to make a point to two people that he is dominant and if there’s something he wants he’ll go get it and know one will stop him. For example it said Zahn raged with jalousie he wouldn’t have stepped to Q because of the last fight he got whooped.

Ever since Zhan met Q he’s been really suspicious of him. He doesn’t trust him so he rally wants to test his loyalty to this new group of people/ weasels.

”I’d like to see him in battle, with that little lizard’s mouth of his…” Zahn went over to him, abruptly, nose to nose. “You can see me right now, if you don’t run away”.

In the aquatic uncle he would never stand up to his uncle, but he steps up too Zahn, no problem. He quickly proves how strong he is, and he nips it in the bud. With ought anymore confrontation he proves how strong he is. This quote in my opinion is a step up from Q in the last story, He’s much more confident. He’s very sensitive but he’s really out there. Especially during this fight he’s ready to show that he’s on top and how he’s not a trader, and he’s here to help.

Q is the so worried about only himself, he thinks that if the creatures find out he’s a dinosaur that there going to kill him. Nut he doesn’t realize that he’s been away for a while, and he’s the last dinosaur so these creatures have never probably seen a dinosaur before.

“Yes, I am one, if you dare to know”, I shouted” a dinosaur that’s what I am! Since you never have seen any dinosaurs, here, take a look at me!”

Q just wants to hurry up and tell the little animals that he is a dinosaur. But he doesn’t feel obligated to hide his true self anymore. In the very beginning of this story he starts out by not wanting to burst out the fact that he’s a dinosaur. Through this story unlike the aquatic uncle he grows within the story at the end he, ends up taking pride into the fact that he is a dinosaur, and just blurts it out.


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