Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflexive Essay

During my first Quarter of writing my blog posts received responses affected how I look at things in general. Over a course of one Quarter I've written seventeen blog posts. Some blog posts have been very controversial others which have been boring, others very lazily written, and some which just make me angry to see the response posts. My first blog posts where just assignments, but as I progressed I seemed to be starting very controversial debates a lot of which were on the topic of race. After a couple of those debates, I slowed down on my writing and just put boring stuff on blogger I knew people wouldn't read.

Over my fourteen years of living on this earth I haven't had a very diverse group of friends. Our opinions on a lot of topics have all been the same basically. I predicated posting blog posts I would hear a lot of agreement. I received the opposite of what I believed people would say. I got a lot of disagreement when people responded to my posts, when I was reading some of these response posts I got really angry and sad because people didn't' agree with me. Then I realized there are a lot of people who aren't going to agree with every thing I have to say. One post I wrote was called Swagga-Style When I wrote this post I asked for people
to comment not really meaning anything of it, know one had ever responded to any of my other posts; so I didn’t believe they would do it this time. But when Mr. Sutherland showed it to the sophomores instantly the sophomores went home to respond to my posts. A lot of the posts where saying I was racist or prejudice, but one specific person grizzelle e. wrote a response post about my Swagga-Style post. One thing I noticed about her posts that differentiated from the rest of response posts were instead of completely writing about how I’m prejudice she suggests ideas on how to better my writing in that particularly posts and in the future. I realized that sometimes it’s not the topic itself, it’s the way I approached the topic and my format of writing it. If I had of changed my format, I would have made a better argument to my audience. With ought grizzelle e. pointing this ought to me, I would have just thought that I choose a topic that should never be discussed, but I choose a lot of amazing topics that need to be discussed; I just need to learn to write a more convincing argument.

At the beginning of writing my blog I was so passionate and happy about writing a blog, but as I kept writing I began dislike it. I started writing blogs about topics that I wanted to talk about, but I knew if I began a conversation about these specific topics it would be random. So I decided to choose my topics on what I really wanted to hear a debate on. Towards the end and even now I don’t really like writing on my blog. After being talked about I just feel like blogging isn’t worth it. I understand that my topics just need to be written better; I just feel like no matter what happens my blogs will be bashed. I guess now after hearing people’s opinions on my blog, I’m not confident on writing at all. If I’m given a prompt then in my opinion I can write an amazing essay. I just feel that my confidence on writing has gone down. I already knew that I wasn’t a good writer but now I defiantly know it. I’ve realized that over my time writing on the blogs I have talked a lot about race. Not every person in the world is as Outgoing or willing to talk about race. I can’t personally always expect every single person to be on my side when I’m talking about race. As a result of this I need to understand when the appropriate time to talk about these particular subjects is. But in general I’m going to try to stop bringing up race, weather ‘ about me or someone else. I don’t know who is comfortable with those kinds of discussions; I’m not going to go around and ask who is. Plus I’ve also noticed that someone people don’t really want to hear me talk about these particular subjects, so I will neither talk about them nor write about them. In general I guess blogging was a great experience because I learned how to better voice my opinions, but I’m not as confident to write as I was before.

When I’m writing in Mrs. Corbally class I have prompt to choose from and an formats to follow, so I’m following guidelines. But when I’m writing in Mr. Sutherland’s room I’m really just saying stuff I feel like talking about at that moment and that time. Our work doesn’t get edited its not proofed its just thoughts. We don’t get eon how to write it better in my opinion the majority of the time we get feedback on if the reader liked it or not, and that’s it. I prefer to write strictly academic thing rather than blogs. Just because I’m graded on how I write instead of what my subject being chosen to write about. I just feel like Academic wring in my opinion is much better for me personally. Plus in her class, later our papers get edited we so we constantly work on these one specific papers.

Next Quarter I want my writing to be less controversial. I think that I’m going to stop writing about topics that constantly swerve debates. I find a lot of times debates, topics, and writing opinions get talked about negatively/ Its probably because I look at my discussion on one-side; in a way I think I’m very biased. People don’t wan to hear or read biased opinions, and I don’t constantly want to be talked about how racist I am. It’s really just not working out for me. Instead I’m going to pick topics that are appropriate, for school and other peoples opinion. As a human being I want to better myself, and I don’t want to unconsciously put any one down. That’s not my goal, I just want people to read my work; but one thing I have l learned form blogging is technically- you don’t have the freedom of speech.


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