Thursday, October 7, 2010


So every since I was born I have attended private or Charter which have all been under 400 students. CRAZY RIGHT. I am not a person to go ahead and spill my secrets to the word. So I think if I ever went to a big school like Tech or Berkeley High I would be just the same. But in my opinion I believe the amount of students or the type of students in a school can change you. I've gone to schools were education was exspensive but hard. Where the Minimum was that all the teachers expected you to excede, and they gave you tools to do that. As a result I do my work just becuase, I am so used to it about now. If I went to a public school I would still do my work the same exact way; and at the same time ever night.

Not to judge anyone but I think that if certain people at ASTI went to another school they wouldn't be the same person. I believe that other people do shape the way another human beings can think or act. I like to think that were always going to be the same person on the outside but were really not. WHERE IS THIS GOING? IDK. I guess Im just saying stuff on my mind, I thought coming to ASTI I wouldn't have to hear about petty drama, or little things that big schools have but guess what???? ASTI has the disease too. Me and some friends were talking about this the other day. Even though Im not in any of the drama it still annoys me. I guess ASTI isnt the school I thought it would be.

A few weeks ago Nawara put up a post about How its doing for the freshmen or whatever. I think the freshmen are really split up. Do i like asti so far. no. I actuallu think that ASTI would be a better school if it was bigger and more diverse.(No Racism intenneded.) ASTI is no diifrent from tech besides the majority pf the race is asian. It has its couples, Drama, popular groups, and all that. It just doesnt have that happy elemnet that Tech or Berkeley high has, I bet kids look forward to going to school in the morning when there at tech but i dont look forward to coming to school. We dont even have things like homecoming to even out the boring ness of ASTI, we just have boring alameda to back us up.


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