Friday, January 14, 2011

What I Hate!

So I'm doing this blog thing but guess where I'm doing it from my phone, so right now I'm in west Oakland walking down the street on my phone. I just left the store and this lady cuts me in line. uhhhhhhh the crazy thing is she had to walk round me to cut me. She had to go all the way to the back of the store (small liquor store) to get to me how crazy is that, and don't forget rude.

Some old dude did the same thing to me yesterday and I'm like dude I'm in line. Hes like oh sorry and I'm like yeah you better be sorry. I obviously didn't say that but i thought it. Usually when someone cuts me ill say something but today i was like whatever but inside i was like hecka mad. So who else finds that kind of thing rude in my opinion you obviously have to see the person your cutting in line to cut them. Another thing i dislike is people who walk like they the s*** I'm like u look even stupider walking like that so just stop. Please just stop.

I guess when there walking they don't see the fact that there walking Crockett but they are, there walking Crockett. I wish I had the guts to tell people that but ill only tell someone that if i really really know them or I'm there friend. I just fell bad for those people because they swear they look so cute; but in reality they look dummer do if your reading this and you walk weird because you think your cute and you cut people stop doing that.

I think My biggest hate is fake people, or people who act differently based on the crowd there around. The funny part about that is, is the world is very very small. So someone you use to know will be coming back in your life eventually I mean its bound to happen. Another part of that is that when you do get caught that is so embarrassing, I find it funny becuase your kinda lookin there like uhh no I did act like that last year. I really did. And where like no u werent.


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