Monday, November 1, 2010

Kite Runner: Section 1

So far the kite runner is an okay book. I’m not particularly found of books that have characters who rape each other. I really don’t like the fact that a little boy was raped in this book at all. It’s really disturbing in my opinion. When reading this book I have a lot of questions for the author himself:

1) Is this book based of a true story?
2) Is the book about you?
3) What was your emotional state writing this book?
4) Have you ever been raped by another man as a child
5) What made you want to write this book?

I noticed this books language is somewhat hard but somewhat simple to understand. I like the fact the Hassan and Amir are friends, just because it’s rare that a rich boy and a peasant would play together in public. I know! In this book it stated that Hassan and Amir only play together in private and Hassan is never invited to play with Amir when other children are around. But obliviously they play together in public a lot. Assef and his friends see that, Baba, and Kamal all see this. The only problem with the characters themselves is Amir.

Amir is a spoiled brat that really only cares for himself. I wish Amir was more like Hassan, a strong boy who may not have the richest but appreciates life. Amir doesn’t always realize how mean he is too Hassan. I do understand that it is hard not having a father who doesn’t love you but still. Amir spends way too much of his time trying to make his father proud - because he so called “killed” his mother.

Amir believes anything any adult tells him too, his teachers and his Baba. Amir has to realize that he can’t be the “perfect” son. In the back of my mind I think Baba truly wants a son like Hassan, strong, fearless, and modest. Even though I don’t like Amir I think the two boys are a great match for each other. Ones weakness makes up for ones strength.


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