Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal: Facebook

Im going to rebuttal Saber Saleh.

So I just read Saber's blog posts on Facebook; and were both in agreement that facebook is useful. The difference between my debate and his, was his was ALL opinion and personal experiences using facebook. I can admit that i also used a past experience that i put in my debate. But that was my last point not the first. I used a quote like the one below, to prove that fact that facebook is useful. I think that if we were looking at debates and Saber was chosen to write a debate-no offense we would lose that debate so quick its "crazy".

It's getting to the point where you're at a disadvantage if you don't have a Facebook account; you can use it to log in with the same username and password on more than two million sites — it's not just for checking in on your cousin's newest baby pictures. So, here's the trick: You can go nearly invisible on Facebook — nobody will be able to view your photographs, see your activity or where you've checked in except for existing friends — but still have an account to use around the web.
On top of the fact of that he didn't have a lot of information to back up his point, he didn't write his debate with the best grammar. That's not be offensive but when key words to a debate are left it is so confusing it's hard to really understand where he's going with his point. I think that if he would read it a lot of times before posting it he might have really understood and got what it said. it was very very confusing.

In conclusion, i think facebook help people out. Also about five minutes ago I haven't this girl in a couple of years and i didn't notice her and she said duhh you no me remember in the 7th grade i said yea i just didn't see your face. It brings back fun memories, sometimes it brings back memories you don't want to think about anymore.I think facebook is very helpful because it helps you in many different way and it keeps the happiness going up like all the games and if your bored talk to a friend thats why i think facebook !!!!!!!ROCKSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
If Saber had of stopped using his opinion and cleared up the story and then edited it and put some quotes i     think it could have been better.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Color Purple: Blog

So we have to right about the Color Purple and what we think about Celie and her relationship with god.

Question: What is Celie's relationship with god?

Answer: Celie is very close with god. Like other people she depends on god to be her reason why; for instance somethings that people do is when they want a job religious people instead of going to get an "job application, they say god can you get me a job". They depend on god to get that job. Celie in my opinion depends on God to get her out of the "Situation" (marriage with Mr._____). She's been beaten , raped, and even more. She is one the one who lost her baby sister (by Mr____) that really is the only person who loved her. She's lost her children. I think she depends on God to save every thing that has gone wrong in her life. She depends on God to save the sister that might be dead; and if she (Nettie "Celie's sister") is she (Celie) hopes that God will protect her.

Answer Two: I also think that Celie believes (like allot of religious) people that god and heaven is there way out of this horrible world. Celie probably feels like if she does everything a "wife" is supposed to do. She cooks. cleans, and does every thing. In my opinion Celie probably has this feeling that if I do right by everyone single person (Shug Avery, Mr____, Papa, Harpo, and Sophia) in this world in this world than God will do right by her in the next world.

I think that a major way Celie can change this is too defend herself she continuously lets people run over her. Nettie backed her up and the few people in this book (later on) who do back her up end up leaving and she has to then defend herself. Later on in the book I know she does defend herself; but right now shes acting like a punk. It's not going to hurt her to actually fight back or not " I don't know how", that's what Celies's response to Sophia telling her to fight was.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Debate Opening Statement: Facebook

I believe that Online Social networks are not harmful to society.Geography is one of the largest differences between people, beside appearances. Facebook allows us to connect with people. The Pro to this topic would be "but you can get stalked on Facebook" or "Facebook can be hacked and all your personal information can be revealed".

My response then change your password every month, or don't put your f****** personal information on there just the basics.

I don't think that people realize that we use stupid differences to divide ourselves as a people, I think that I've found out the similarities between others and I on Facebook, then on a regular day to day basis at my own school. And through Facebook I've realized that it is a very very small world, I love Facebook.

The founders of Facebook, do realize that there are risks to being on facebook; but they have come up with ways to secure facebook. For example:"every couple moths every user has to go through a facebook check, and create new password and information" (to block hacking). I think Facebook if used by the right people for the right people can be very beneficial.

The new feature, announced Thursday, makes Facebook a bit more like an online banking site. Users can identify certain "approved" computers and mobile phones that are allowed to access their Facebook accounts. If an unauthorized device tries to log in, the user will be notified of that activity by e-mail or text message, allowing them, in theory, to shut down an attack before any information is stolen.

I remember when I was in the seventh grade and I had some friends who I couldn't get in contact with (New Phone Number, and didn't check old email). but when I found them on Facebook by typing in there name(simple). I got to reconnect with them, I've connected with 3rd cousins that I haven't seen in forever. Yes to some Facebook might be addicting, but because some people don't know how to properly use Facebook we should shut down the whole site. NO.

Right now were writing about Peace and how to obtain this, my thesis is when you let go of little differences that divide us and start to bond, then we can obtain peace.  Facebook has to do something like this, when we can globally or districtly come together as a community we can help better ourselves. Think about it; No War.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ivy vs. Non Ivy

So all throughout the week in class we have been talking about selective schools (ivy league) vs. non-selective (regular 4 year school). The main question is Will you have a better life if you graduate from an elite college or university? Why/why not? My personal opinion is that you'll have a higher chance of making more money and graduating at a ivy league.

I dont' know if I'm the only one but I would love to attend and Ivy league and the funny thing is in this seven way debate a man named Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, Inspired me too attend a Ivy league (making him the most persuasive debater in this debate) even though I already knew I would.

The second issue is related to the first concern. To the extent that race is a proxy for merit and that being a racial minority remains, notwithstanding the tremendous progress we have made as a country, a disadvantage, college prestige might be more valuable for minority students than it is for white students. To take but one example, employers who have misgivings about a minority applicant's merit because of the applicant’s race might be more willing to take a chance because the applicant graduated from an elite school. This is another way of saying that minority applicants should think long and hard before turning down admission to elite institutions.
So to Paraphrase Rohwer's work, he's saying that if there are two people both female and both African-American the employer is going to most likely choose the applicant of color who went to an ivy league versus  a non ivy league. So those of you all who still don't agree about the Ivy league if you were a mob gangster and you needed a hit man would you rather have a ten year convict at Alcatraz or a ten year convict in a state jail. You would obviously want the convict from Alcatraz because Alcatraz has a history of being home to the worst criminals in America.

My least favorite debate that didn't persuade me was Kevin Carey.

If you're among the small handful of students who have stellar SAT scores and parents with several hundred thousand dollars to spend, you should seriously consider going to an elite college or university.  They're nice places to hang out for four years and you'll probably learn a few things. Even if you don't, you'll still get a piece of paper signifying that you were smart enough to get in and rich enough to pay for it. People care about stuff like that.
As you guys can see this dude makes me so not want to go to Ivy league but I still am this dudes just dumb so, I hope my readers like the argument.

Deuces ♥

!Get Over IT!

This week for the first time in a while I'm responding to Rhocksor because I think Teenage girls need to GET OVER IT!

So another thing that annoys me that I didn't put on my last blog is the fact that teenage females attach themselves or claim a Boyfriend. Like what the Hell? Who the hell are you to claim a boy that you ain't married to. These dudes have no obligation to you. So they can do what they want, your not there wife, mother, or grandmother.
They were over within a few days. They were stronger than ever and then, they broke up. It literally killed her inside. She hid her feelings and walked around like she didn't give a care in the world. A lot of guys still tried getting at her but she turned them down. She loved this guy because he was her first and to let him go just a few days after they got back together really bugged her.

She was the toughest girl you would ever meet but she cried for hours on the phone when we were talking. I remeber exactly what she said:
No offense but if she was the toughest girl she wold have stopped crying and move. I real problem with so called "love" is that people always think there inlove. I honestly doubt that a little kid can be in love. In my opinion love works two ways. So if you feel the love so do they. Females attach themselves to every guy that they go out with. But they need to realize that "you can not attach yourselves to every guy that says he looves you becuase at the end of the day you'll probably have at least fifteen attach ments."

So the advice I have to the lonely girls out there get over the ex. Please beacuase your only hurting yourself becuase they honestly doesn't care. Its like female's hearts are thin peices of glass getting ready tp break at any moment. And I dont buy those exuses where females say you should stay with me forever becuase I gave you my virginity. Like if it was so important you should ahve keep it. You obliously didn't have the common since to hold on to it until your married.

What I Hate!

So I'm doing this blog thing but guess where I'm doing it from my phone, so right now I'm in west Oakland walking down the street on my phone. I just left the store and this lady cuts me in line. uhhhhhhh the crazy thing is she had to walk round me to cut me. She had to go all the way to the back of the store (small liquor store) to get to me how crazy is that, and don't forget rude.

Some old dude did the same thing to me yesterday and I'm like dude I'm in line. Hes like oh sorry and I'm like yeah you better be sorry. I obviously didn't say that but i thought it. Usually when someone cuts me ill say something but today i was like whatever but inside i was like hecka mad. So who else finds that kind of thing rude in my opinion you obviously have to see the person your cutting in line to cut them. Another thing i dislike is people who walk like they the s*** I'm like u look even stupider walking like that so just stop. Please just stop.

I guess when there walking they don't see the fact that there walking Crockett but they are, there walking Crockett. I wish I had the guts to tell people that but ill only tell someone that if i really really know them or I'm there friend. I just fell bad for those people because they swear they look so cute; but in reality they look dummer do if your reading this and you walk weird because you think your cute and you cut people stop doing that.

I think My biggest hate is fake people, or people who act differently based on the crowd there around. The funny part about that is, is the world is very very small. So someone you use to know will be coming back in your life eventually I mean its bound to happen. Another part of that is that when you do get caught that is so embarrassing, I find it funny becuase your kinda lookin there like uhh no I did act like that last year. I really did. And where like no u werent.
