Friday, January 14, 2011

Ivy vs. Non Ivy

So all throughout the week in class we have been talking about selective schools (ivy league) vs. non-selective (regular 4 year school). The main question is Will you have a better life if you graduate from an elite college or university? Why/why not? My personal opinion is that you'll have a higher chance of making more money and graduating at a ivy league.

I dont' know if I'm the only one but I would love to attend and Ivy league and the funny thing is in this seven way debate a man named Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, Inspired me too attend a Ivy league (making him the most persuasive debater in this debate) even though I already knew I would.

The second issue is related to the first concern. To the extent that race is a proxy for merit and that being a racial minority remains, notwithstanding the tremendous progress we have made as a country, a disadvantage, college prestige might be more valuable for minority students than it is for white students. To take but one example, employers who have misgivings about a minority applicant's merit because of the applicant’s race might be more willing to take a chance because the applicant graduated from an elite school. This is another way of saying that minority applicants should think long and hard before turning down admission to elite institutions.
So to Paraphrase Rohwer's work, he's saying that if there are two people both female and both African-American the employer is going to most likely choose the applicant of color who went to an ivy league versus  a non ivy league. So those of you all who still don't agree about the Ivy league if you were a mob gangster and you needed a hit man would you rather have a ten year convict at Alcatraz or a ten year convict in a state jail. You would obviously want the convict from Alcatraz because Alcatraz has a history of being home to the worst criminals in America.

My least favorite debate that didn't persuade me was Kevin Carey.

If you're among the small handful of students who have stellar SAT scores and parents with several hundred thousand dollars to spend, you should seriously consider going to an elite college or university.  They're nice places to hang out for four years and you'll probably learn a few things. Even if you don't, you'll still get a piece of paper signifying that you were smart enough to get in and rich enough to pay for it. People care about stuff like that.
As you guys can see this dude makes me so not want to go to Ivy league but I still am this dudes just dumb so, I hope my readers like the argument.

Deuces ♥


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