So we have to right about the Color Purple and what we think about Celie and her relationship with god.
Question: What is Celie's relationship with god?
Answer: Celie is very close with god. Like other people she depends on god to be her reason why; for instance somethings that people do is when they want a job religious people instead of going to get an "job application, they say god can you get me a job". They depend on god to get that job. Celie in my opinion depends on God to get her out of the "Situation" (marriage with Mr._____). She's been beaten , raped, and even more. She is one the one who lost her baby sister (by Mr____) that really is the only person who loved her. She's lost her children. I think she depends on God to save every thing that has gone wrong in her life. She depends on God to save the sister that might be dead; and if she (Nettie "Celie's sister") is she (Celie) hopes that God will protect her.
Answer Two: I also think that Celie believes (like allot of religious) people that god and heaven is there way out of this horrible world. Celie probably feels like if she does everything a "wife" is supposed to do. She cooks. cleans, and does every thing. In my opinion Celie probably has this feeling that if I do right by everyone single person (Shug Avery, Mr____, Papa, Harpo, and Sophia) in this world in this world than God will do right by her in the next world.