Sunday, January 23, 2011

Color Purple: Blog

So we have to right about the Color Purple and what we think about Celie and her relationship with god.

Question: What is Celie's relationship with god?

Answer: Celie is very close with god. Like other people she depends on god to be her reason why; for instance somethings that people do is when they want a job religious people instead of going to get an "job application, they say god can you get me a job". They depend on god to get that job. Celie in my opinion depends on God to get her out of the "Situation" (marriage with Mr._____). She's been beaten , raped, and even more. She is one the one who lost her baby sister (by Mr____) that really is the only person who loved her. She's lost her children. I think she depends on God to save every thing that has gone wrong in her life. She depends on God to save the sister that might be dead; and if she (Nettie "Celie's sister") is she (Celie) hopes that God will protect her.

Answer Two: I also think that Celie believes (like allot of religious) people that god and heaven is there way out of this horrible world. Celie probably feels like if she does everything a "wife" is supposed to do. She cooks. cleans, and does every thing. In my opinion Celie probably has this feeling that if I do right by everyone single person (Shug Avery, Mr____, Papa, Harpo, and Sophia) in this world in this world than God will do right by her in the next world.

I think that a major way Celie can change this is too defend herself she continuously lets people run over her. Nettie backed her up and the few people in this book (later on) who do back her up end up leaving and she has to then defend herself. Later on in the book I know she does defend herself; but right now shes acting like a punk. It's not going to hurt her to actually fight back or not " I don't know how", that's what Celies's response to Sophia telling her to fight was.


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