Sunday, September 26, 2010


I did a response to Devin Liu's Football season predictions.

Wild cards would be the Texans and the vikings. Texans are a surprise team and vikings will barely get into the playoffs.
        Winning the AFC championship would be the colts. It would be a close one between the colts and the jets. Colts have great offense while jets have superb defense.
        Winning the NFC championship would be the packers. They would also be a surprise team.
        Super Bowl champion are the colts. They lost the Super Bowl game last year, but they will come back and win this year.

I know absolutely nothing about football but when I saw this I just had to respond. My opinions on who should win the super bowl is who has the cutest players, and the most popular teams. I really want the saints to win again just because Reggie Bush and his fine self is on the team. That would be great if they won two times in a row.

Does anyone remember Michael Vick? the dog fighter Guy. I want him to win also just because I think everyone was hating on him, with the whole dogfighting thing. Who cares that hes a dog fighter there are other dog fighters in the world as well. So why should Michael Vick not be allowed to play, so I want his to team to make a comeback if hes going to play for them.

I also want the 49ers or the Raiders to win the super bowl just because they would represent the bay area, That would be really great to me. Some kind of athletics that are representing the Bay area well and making it to the super bowl or somewhere not just playing.

So that's my response blog post for the week I don't think I want to or am going to put any blog posts up unless we have to do a third a one. I'm really tired of being bashed on my blog posts so I'm just not going to write ones like my previous ones anymore. So this is peace I don't think allot of people will read this bye, adios, sinarra, bonjour or any thing that means goodbye in another language. oh, choi!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prologue to My Novel

Three’s a crowd
Three’s a crowd: Prologue Insert 1

I woke up to a hot breeze rolling over my body. It was early-summer June twenty-second exactly; the day that would change my life completely. I got out of bed and walked down the cold narrow hall way, passing my brothers room and the stairwell. I passed up the guest room and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the cold shiny mirror. As I looked at myself I saw an African-American, sixteen year old, rape victim. Every day I went on knowing I know longer was an innocent teenager, I cried and wept over the thought of not having my virginity. I hated this world for letting a man take my virginity; take my innocence. Every day I watched the news, and the police talk about how they were risking their lives trying to protect these young kids. Who where they protecting? Certainly not me. If they were protecting me I wouldn’t have been raped.
I walked to the shower, pain taking over my body. Legs were aching, feet throbbing, stomach kicking, and my heart pounding. It was like my heart was telling me get out, get out while you can. I was stuck, trapped inside my body. No way out. In the past two weeks my world and social life had gone from perfect to outcast. I had no friends, no life, and no family to help me through my troubles.
I walked out the bathroom observing my every move. Making sure no-one was coming up behind me. I was alone in this big, spacious house. I walked down the stairs, pass the kitchen, through the living room and to the front counter, rubbing my fingers across the smooth granite as I picked up the mail. I swiftly looked through the mail. I found a piece for me. The envelope read: Quisha Rafiya Jones. I ran my fingers around and under the envelope. I lightly tore the envelope open. My eyes fixed on the top left corner. From: East Oakland free clinic, read the top of the envelope.

A Path to Failure

Response to Karissa Coleman

So, I was thinking and i realized that out of pretty much all of the actors and actresses that started on Disney Channel there are very few of them that actually have a good, continuing acting career. When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs. I guess my point in writing this is to state my opinion that most acting careers that start on TV stations like the Disney Channel don't tend to last too long.
My sister and I have the same discussion a bout this all the time. How come the people with the best voices go on Disney channel? Disney Channel takes you know where in life so its not understandable why you would go there. People like Miley Cyrus want to be huge stars but there fans and there only fans, are little kids who buys these little kid all there iCarly merchandise and Hannah Montana tickets the PARENTS. Sp if one day one  of these stars ants to hit the big screen they have to change there appearance, they have  to look older. So if these parents see Hannah Montana on a sexually clad magazine are they still going to support her no, there probably not.

That's why when I hear of great kids singer and then the nest day I hear how they got signed to Disney Channel or Nickelodeon I feel so bad. I wish I coud've went up to them and said hey"Don't do it". People don't realize if you have an magnificent voice or some sort of talent going to theses show is no the way to go because you wont get any respect and guess what? you wont get famous when you try to branch on and do your own thing, Its like Disney channel and Nick have a super hold on you.

I can make some exceptions adults who go on there to do things like Mickey Mouse Play house, and all that stuff, that's different because people don't see them as that Disney channel star.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response to Sagga-Style

Last week I wrote posts called Swagga-Style when I started the post I just wanted to write about fashion. If you look at it, the post, it is very skimpy I wrote that posts not thinking anyone but Mr. Sutherland would read it. But a lot of people read it and didn't like it. A lot of people said that it was very "Racist", first of all people don’t know the correct or proper meaning for the word Racist. And secondly I still do love my post people said I'm very biased- that’s true I am very biased. I have an opinion, and I’m probably never going to change, one student instead of commenting on how I wrote my post, she said how I could have wrote my post so people understood it more, so thank you.

People threw around the word “Racist” all the time. In seventh grade I thought every white person was bad because of slavery- that was a very biased opinion. In seventh grade people called me a Racist. So I went in the dictionary and looked up the word Racist.

Racist-To hold Racial power over another being, or group of beings, (Not Copied or paste my words)

Racist or Racism-abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief (Dictionary.Com)

I can’t hold power over anyone I am only fourteen. If I was a teacher or the President then technically I could hold power over people opinion but I cant’ so I’m not Racist.I know it seems like I’m being a hypocrite because if you here me Im always saying the word Racist. But I am so dead serious on that word.

According to the text my definitions is very close to Dictionary.Com, but not spot on. I will stay with my Biased opinion because believe it or not were all very biased, because a lot of people are not going to change there opinions for any one else. I respect the fact that people wrote and gave there personal feedback toward my piece, but I think I’m going to stay with my discriminatory notions. I think a better word to use is discrimination it’s more accurate.

Please comment and can you say in my box if you’re commenting or not.

Today during P.E. my classmates and I were having a very serious/jokey debate on who can say the N-word. Another African-American students was on my debate side and two Caucasian students were together a female, and male. Keep in my this student was a sophomore. So the N-word came up. Usually it can be said just out of fun when African American's Sais it but it sounded really discriminatory, when this particular Caucasian student said it. Me and my debate partner stopped our football game and said “you can’t say that, your not black”, and then the other student said “Why not? If black people call themselves that than why can’t I” That’s when the debating started.

Me and my partner didn’t care about the fact that Black people use that term everyday to call themselves that, its very racist to say that, not coming from and African-Americans mouth. The other sides debate was “If I’m dating the N-Word ending in -ger- that’s a different word ending in -ga-“, They kept repeating “We can say if you can say it” Then our reaction came “we can’t stop you from saying the N-Word, but if you say it that’s a death wish” The majority of black people I know wouldn’t fight  over anything, so I’m not guaranteeing that they would get thrown off the bridge, I am just saying that using a very Controversial word like if offense if you are non African-American and say it.

After we ended the debate, they brought it up again “I’m just saying when I say it ending in –ga- I mean my homey”, we said “The N-word comes from the Spanish word Negro for the color black, slave owners adopted that word using it as a bad term towards African-Americans, so know matter how u say it how u want to phrase, if your white then it is not appropriate for you to say?

Not too long ago I was watching a segment on the new where an Old Caucasian women, had used the N-Word on her very popular radio station. She also said ”The only reason why Barack Obama was even elected president was because black people said because he’s I’m black I’m going to vote for him” Did she get a chance to keep her show No. The Caucasian man who had been interviewing her was very upset she tried justifying what she had said he didn’t want to hear any part of it. If some white person is brave enough to use the N-Word I want them to go into a room filled with African-Americans, and say both versions of the N-Word in a speech Lets see what happens.

Please Reply I would love to here Feedback, but can you put in my comment box whether you replied or not.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vocab List


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I took a qoute from Ruby and Pedro's Opening Satement-Born Gay

Is sexual orientation determined at birth? We believe it is not.A person’s sexual orientation is not determined at birth, but it is simply shaped at an early age, possibly when the person has begun to reach puberty, or as early as they can communicate with peers.There are several arguments against our speculation of the matter, but here are a few of ours: The word 'gay' has been used time and time again in the most negative form possible. Since society has welcomed this, homosexuality is now something that is frowned upon, and ridiculed. Most people who have had homosexual thoughts or feelings shun them and neglect them because they do not want to become the outcast in society's perfect aristocracy of people. Does this not make homosexuality a decision? Or make it able to control/change? Some say that homosexuality is not a choice, but so far no study has proven that to be true. 
I agree with Ruby and Pedro 100%. I think that being gay is not something that can be changed or manipuplated, I think it is truly feelings, that can not be rearanged. I have never herd of anyone being "born gay" or having the "gay gene". That's rediculous in my opinion and I think its absolutley stupid for some one to think that. I believe that if we all started think being gay is a gene, that scientist would try to chnage this which cannot be done not at all.

The fact that people who like there own sex are trashed upon, and hated against I think is very discrimantory and should defintley be changed. I dont agree with people stopping others from doing what they want as long as they are not really hurting others.

Every generation has there group to hate onand discriminateagainst, and our generation is hating on Arabs and Gay-Lovers. I'm going to say this up front I don't believe saying the word "Fag", or "Homo" is offensive. At all those are words that do mean gay so if youre going to be gay you need to be proud of it.

During slavery I bet some African-American's hated there skin, becuase the way they were being treated. But it's not like they could change it. They didn't have a choice. Alotof people compare Civil African-American rights to Gay rights and how there so similar. But they have there Diffrences and Similarities.Tru both where or are still being hated against. But Homosexuals aren't being lynched. Some are being bullied, hated, and even killed. But the majority are not. One major diffrence that African-Americans and Homosexuals don't have in common is public appeal. Black people can't change there skin tone, so they never hid who they where. But Gay Lovers can just change the way they act, look, or even talk. Gay people need to be proud of who they are, becuase if there not proud of  who they are everyone around them will surely knock them down and not stop doing it, becuase beileve it or not some people think being gay is Contangious.


Who decides what style is? how do we know what style is in at the time? Who changes tyle? Who can wear that style?

1910's-Big hats,Fancy Dreeses, Suits, Minc Cotes
1920's-Comfort Outfits,roll up stockings, nect ties, horse riding boots
1930's-Man made fiber dresses, paris styles
1940's-Pin up-Girls long curls, silk robes, long dresses
1950's- Short Hair, Elvis pressley hour glass figures
1960's-Hippi, Bikini's, Afro's, Black Panther, Beattles
1970's-Silk Scarves, Hot Pants, Mini Skirt's, Afro's, Punk, One piece bathinh suits
1980's-Prep, Converse, Thriller, Madonna,Leg warmers, Bright Colores, Cindi Lauper, Aviator Glasses, Big, Bold, China loose Bangs
1990's-Shell suit sweats,jeans, t-shirt's,leggings,unitard
2000's-Uggs, Jeans, Shudder Glasses, Flip-Flop's, Bob Cuts, Smeakers, Heels
2010's-Skinny Jeans, Bright Color's, Plaid, Smeakers, Skateboards, Baggy Pants, Tank Tops, Butty Shorts

In the time between 1910 thorigh 2010 the styles changeconstantly. But who decides these styles? My mom always sais

"If all your friends where wearing this, so would you"
Alot of people say its the celebrity's that are the ones to choose the style and change it up as much as they want but reall, it's not the celebrities its the youth them selves, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj Totally Dress crazy and all out there, but every kidd around the street can't mimick there style to the fullest.

When you see a white guy saggin his pants do you get mad? Yeah
When you see a black with skinny Jeans and a skateboard do you get mad? No

Maybe its becuase I'm black but inter racial fashions annoy you? Sometimes I say this becuase ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?

I think fashion is an expression of who you are, I;m not saying every white person who wants to, try and dress black I'm not saying that. But I think styles have to fit you inside and out. Just becase you may feel like your black doesn't mean youa re. I'm not being racist but still.

When you read this can you respond or comment,what do you think about Fashion????????????

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebutal Abortion should be legal

Con-Abortion said that the declartion of independce states life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They say

"Killing a child in the womb is defiance to the declaration of independce".
They say that its the childs life and they should choose whether to live or not. But it's not the childs life until there born, and they won't be making important decisions for themselves until there eighteen, Its not the child life it's the mothers life, not the childs. For eighteen years the mother is going to be the one making all the decisions not the child, so the mother should be able to choose if she's ready or not.

If a mother gives birth to a child and she only gives birth to it becuase she can't get rid of it, how is the mother and the child going to feel. For the rest of this mothers life this mother is going to have this child that she doesn't want and can't get rid off and becuase of that she can't provide the right love, which can lead to depression in the mother and or the child, Depression along with divorce, violence, bad schools, rejection, and abuse are causes for teen suicide. Alot of times teens will atempt suicide but will never complete, such as cutting wrist, or tattoo's. These methods can be much more painful then getting an abortion.

The child will actually feel this pain. Rather as in an abortion, the child who technically isn’t even a child yet, “can’t fell anything”. Mother’s have to live there whole life with this guilt that the only reason why-My child is alive is because a bunch of people who don’t know me or my situation said I shouldn’t be able to abort my child. How ridiculous is that. When you think about, when your voting on Abortion, or Gay Rights thing like that you are affecting at least two other peoples lives, probably in a negative. Some women at the end of the day can’t handle raising a child or giving away there own flesh and blood to a total stranger, that’s why abortion should be legal.
