Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebutal Abortion should be legal

Con-Abortion said that the declartion of independce states life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They say

"Killing a child in the womb is defiance to the declaration of independce".
They say that its the childs life and they should choose whether to live or not. But it's not the childs life until there born, and they won't be making important decisions for themselves until there eighteen, Its not the child life it's the mothers life, not the childs. For eighteen years the mother is going to be the one making all the decisions not the child, so the mother should be able to choose if she's ready or not.

If a mother gives birth to a child and she only gives birth to it becuase she can't get rid of it, how is the mother and the child going to feel. For the rest of this mothers life this mother is going to have this child that she doesn't want and can't get rid off and becuase of that she can't provide the right love, which can lead to depression in the mother and or the child, Depression along with divorce, violence, bad schools, rejection, and abuse are causes for teen suicide. Alot of times teens will atempt suicide but will never complete, such as cutting wrist, or tattoo's. These methods can be much more painful then getting an abortion.

The child will actually feel this pain. Rather as in an abortion, the child who technically isn’t even a child yet, “can’t fell anything”. Mother’s have to live there whole life with this guilt that the only reason why-My child is alive is because a bunch of people who don’t know me or my situation said I shouldn’t be able to abort my child. How ridiculous is that. When you think about, when your voting on Abortion, or Gay Rights thing like that you are affecting at least two other peoples lives, probably in a negative. Some women at the end of the day can’t handle raising a child or giving away there own flesh and blood to a total stranger, that’s why abortion should be legal.


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