Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I took a qoute from Ruby and Pedro's Opening Satement-Born Gay

Is sexual orientation determined at birth? We believe it is not.A person’s sexual orientation is not determined at birth, but it is simply shaped at an early age, possibly when the person has begun to reach puberty, or as early as they can communicate with peers.There are several arguments against our speculation of the matter, but here are a few of ours: The word 'gay' has been used time and time again in the most negative form possible. Since society has welcomed this, homosexuality is now something that is frowned upon, and ridiculed. Most people who have had homosexual thoughts or feelings shun them and neglect them because they do not want to become the outcast in society's perfect aristocracy of people. Does this not make homosexuality a decision? Or make it able to control/change? Some say that homosexuality is not a choice, but so far no study has proven that to be true. 
I agree with Ruby and Pedro 100%. I think that being gay is not something that can be changed or manipuplated, I think it is truly feelings, that can not be rearanged. I have never herd of anyone being "born gay" or having the "gay gene". That's rediculous in my opinion and I think its absolutley stupid for some one to think that. I believe that if we all started think being gay is a gene, that scientist would try to chnage this which cannot be done not at all.

The fact that people who like there own sex are trashed upon, and hated against I think is very discrimantory and should defintley be changed. I dont agree with people stopping others from doing what they want as long as they are not really hurting others.

Every generation has there group to hate onand discriminateagainst, and our generation is hating on Arabs and Gay-Lovers. I'm going to say this up front I don't believe saying the word "Fag", or "Homo" is offensive. At all those are words that do mean gay so if youre going to be gay you need to be proud of it.

During slavery I bet some African-American's hated there skin, becuase the way they were being treated. But it's not like they could change it. They didn't have a choice. Alotof people compare Civil African-American rights to Gay rights and how there so similar. But they have there Diffrences and Similarities.Tru both where or are still being hated against. But Homosexuals aren't being lynched. Some are being bullied, hated, and even killed. But the majority are not. One major diffrence that African-Americans and Homosexuals don't have in common is public appeal. Black people can't change there skin tone, so they never hid who they where. But Gay Lovers can just change the way they act, look, or even talk. Gay people need to be proud of who they are, becuase if there not proud of  who they are everyone around them will surely knock them down and not stop doing it, becuase beileve it or not some people think being gay is Contangious.


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