Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response to Sagga-Style

Last week I wrote posts called Swagga-Style when I started the post I just wanted to write about fashion. If you look at it, the post, it is very skimpy I wrote that posts not thinking anyone but Mr. Sutherland would read it. But a lot of people read it and didn't like it. A lot of people said that it was very "Racist", first of all people don’t know the correct or proper meaning for the word Racist. And secondly I still do love my post people said I'm very biased- that’s true I am very biased. I have an opinion, and I’m probably never going to change, one student instead of commenting on how I wrote my post, she said how I could have wrote my post so people understood it more, so thank you.

People threw around the word “Racist” all the time. In seventh grade I thought every white person was bad because of slavery- that was a very biased opinion. In seventh grade people called me a Racist. So I went in the dictionary and looked up the word Racist.

Racist-To hold Racial power over another being, or group of beings, (Not Copied or paste my words)

Racist or Racism-abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief (Dictionary.Com)

I can’t hold power over anyone I am only fourteen. If I was a teacher or the President then technically I could hold power over people opinion but I cant’ so I’m not Racist.I know it seems like I’m being a hypocrite because if you here me Im always saying the word Racist. But I am so dead serious on that word.

According to the text my definitions is very close to Dictionary.Com, but not spot on. I will stay with my Biased opinion because believe it or not were all very biased, because a lot of people are not going to change there opinions for any one else. I respect the fact that people wrote and gave there personal feedback toward my piece, but I think I’m going to stay with my discriminatory notions. I think a better word to use is discrimination it’s more accurate.

Please comment and can you say in my box if you’re commenting or not.


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