Friday, September 24, 2010

Prologue to My Novel

Three’s a crowd
Three’s a crowd: Prologue Insert 1

I woke up to a hot breeze rolling over my body. It was early-summer June twenty-second exactly; the day that would change my life completely. I got out of bed and walked down the cold narrow hall way, passing my brothers room and the stairwell. I passed up the guest room and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the cold shiny mirror. As I looked at myself I saw an African-American, sixteen year old, rape victim. Every day I went on knowing I know longer was an innocent teenager, I cried and wept over the thought of not having my virginity. I hated this world for letting a man take my virginity; take my innocence. Every day I watched the news, and the police talk about how they were risking their lives trying to protect these young kids. Who where they protecting? Certainly not me. If they were protecting me I wouldn’t have been raped.
I walked to the shower, pain taking over my body. Legs were aching, feet throbbing, stomach kicking, and my heart pounding. It was like my heart was telling me get out, get out while you can. I was stuck, trapped inside my body. No way out. In the past two weeks my world and social life had gone from perfect to outcast. I had no friends, no life, and no family to help me through my troubles.
I walked out the bathroom observing my every move. Making sure no-one was coming up behind me. I was alone in this big, spacious house. I walked down the stairs, pass the kitchen, through the living room and to the front counter, rubbing my fingers across the smooth granite as I picked up the mail. I swiftly looked through the mail. I found a piece for me. The envelope read: Quisha Rafiya Jones. I ran my fingers around and under the envelope. I lightly tore the envelope open. My eyes fixed on the top left corner. From: East Oakland free clinic, read the top of the envelope.

1 Comment:

  1. Charlie said...
    I had no idea you were a novelist! (In addition to being a debate-stirrer. Hehe...)

    *moments later*

    HOLY CRAP, I just read this post. Keep writing. How much of this novel have you worked out so far? Plans? Pieces already written? Whatcha workin' with?

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