Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Kite Runnerby Khaled Hosseini is a historical-Fiction Novel. The Kite Runner is a book about a boy’s journey coming to become a man; in the modern hardships of Kabul. Throughout this story this boy’s life he goes through a number of complications that teaches him a bunch of lesson’s on hot to become a better man and how to redeem himself. A major focus of Hosseini’s novel is the way the characters interactions with each other. This book includes three main characters Amir, Baba, and Hassan. Amir is the main-main character; throughout this book he is followed on his journey to redemption. His father Baba is a rich business man who replaces his real love to his son with material goods. Hassan is the servant boy and half-brother of Amir. Amir and Hassan are very close but do not know there half-brothers until later on in the book.

One of the main events of the novel that truly show who the characters are to each other and what they are about is a very sorrowful rape scene, between the neighborhood bullies and Hassan. Hassan is caught in an ally way, there was just A kite tournament and Hassan just ran the last fallen Kite for Amir. Assef and friends (Neighborhood bully) caught Hassan in the ally way and demanded the Kite he just ran for. But Hassan being the loyal person to Amir, doesn’t give it to him in the result; Hassan gets raped “to be a taught a lesson.”

“A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,”Assef said…”But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in any games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around? I’ll tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, you’re nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he’s bored something he can kick when he’s angry. Don’t ever fool yourself and think you’re something more.” “Amir Agha and I are friends,” Hassan said…”Friends?” Assef said laughing. “You pathetic fool! Someday you’ll wake up from little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is. (Page-72)
While the rape is going on Amir is watching everything that’s happening; and he doesn’t stop it from going on. The thing that striked me about what Assef said is “A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,” Hassan is much more loyal than a dog. Dog’s are only loyal when they’re treated nicely and when they have a good owner. Amir and Baba don’t treat Hassan like a dog they treat him like dirt. It would amazing if Amir had the decency to actually treat him like a dog, but he’s so rude and disrespectful. Amir feels like Hassan is taking the father-son love form him, but he’s not. Baba’s just wants a son more like Hassan than he does like Amir. In my opinion if I was to make an prediction on what would have happen had Baba treated Amir differently and Amir’s emotional state was better; Amir would have stopped the Rape and Hassan and Amir would have had a much better relationship with each other for the rest of there lives.

The Kite Runner Originally started when Amir was an adult and Rahim-Khan called him and said “There’s a way to be good again”, so he went back to Pakistan. While in Pakistan Rahim-Khan told Amir that Hassan was really his half brother. He also told Hassan life’s story including the fact that Hassan had a son who was put in an orphanage because, Hassan was shot by the Taliban. At the time Hassan was living in Amir’s old childhood house, but the Taliban thought he was stealing it so they murdered him and his wife in the street execution style. When Amir found all this stuff out he stormed out the small Pakistani apartment and into the streets ready to think, and analyze what he had just herd.

True, I hadn’t made Ali step on the land mine, and I hadn’t brought the Taliban to the house to shoot Hassan. But I had driven Hassan and Ali out of the house. Was it too far-fetched to imagine that things might have turned out differently if they hadn’t? But I had to imagine that things might have turned out differently if I hadn’t? Maybe Baba would have brought him to America. Maybe Hassan would have had a home of his own now, a job, a family, a life in a country where no one cared that he was a Hazara, where most people didn’t even know what a Hazara was. (Page-226)

Amir thinks that the reason why he can’t have kids is because he saw Hassan get raped and didn’t defend him. He feels guilty his whole life and tries to Repent by even switching to Islam. When he learns all this news he realizes that his one action could have changed Hassan, Baba, Ali, Sohrab, and Amir’s life. Like I said before I think that the way Baba treated Amir greatly influenced the ending results of the book. Here we can obviously see that if Amir had gotten the proper love and Care this whole book would have been much different.

So in this essay I’ve talked about how the main characters life in my opinion would have changed completely all because of one crucial event. I’ve also mentioned one of the main topics of the book is - redemption. Amir and Baba truly want to be repented for their actions. But they’ve longed to get that feeling, that there forgive. Amir in conclusion tries living his life the best that he can, to repent from his childhood actions But Amir has to realize that he was child and a child, makes mistakes. And a child can’t be blamed for crucial decisions; like defending three older children from being raped. I honestly still do believe that life would have been different, but it wasn’t and had Amir not mad those bad decisions he would have not been the great man he was in the end.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner-Section 3

I loved the whole book!

What I didn't like was the ending. I started out not wanting to read this book at all, but Reading through it I loved all the dram; I just didn't agree with the sudden boring ending like really. Are you F****** kidding me. I could not believe my eyes I was reading and because of the extra section I thought I had a whole nother chapter before I was done-Wrong!

This book had so many twist too it. I really enjoyed it , but the ending was like half cliff hanger half ending. The ending seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. I thought something else was going to happen especially because in the book Amir said:

"Little did I know, that would be the last time In a year that I would hear Sohrab Speak."
But Sohrab still didn't speak in the end he just smiled. If I'm not mistaken!

Khaled Hosseni like I said before did an amazing job ending this book. In my personal outlook on this book, it seems like this book is one of those books where the ending is never really told. It just hangs over a cliff, and you create the ending.

I'm not sure if Amir found a resolution, I'm not sure I'm not sure if in the end did Amir really repent his sins. Its very unclear, there's no doubt in my mind that Amir as a person has improved everything about himself.

My favorite part of this book was when Amir got married. Amir has grown along ways, when I was reading and then amir said to his father go ask for her hand in married I got a little scared. I though that the general was going to say no for some odd reason but he didn't.

My second favorite Part was when little Sohrab busted Assefs eye with the marble thing he truly is a little Hassam, AWWWWW.

My third and last favorite part was when Amir left all that money for the money he was staying with in Pakistan.

What I wish would have happened was I wish that Hassan and Amir as adults would have met, and that they both would have sons the same age to play with.

One thing I thought would have happened was I thought that when Assef said:

"Amir and I have unfinished business...No matter what you hear dont open the door"
I thought Assef was going to rape Amir.

Friday, November 12, 2010

This week I'm commenting on Karissa's Post, on over controlling parents.

One of the same excuses my mom has been giving me about the reason she won't let me go is because she doesn't have any information about it and doesn't know who runs it, where it is, blah blah blah. However, each time she says this, I give her more and more information...She also agreed with me on the fact that if parents don't let their kids do anything, they'll most likely end up rebelling later on. Her mom even agreed with me. I told her i would keep asking if I could come with them  but I don't know what to do to change her mind. If you have any ideas let me know. ......maybe I'll ask my dad if I can go next week. He's a lot more reasonable... -Karissa Coleman
I feel the exactly same way,my mom and dad don't want me getting into any trouble. But my mom is just way to over protective. Aren't dads supposed to be the over protective ones. But my dads not. He lets me go allot of places, as long as he knows its safe. When I go somewhere and my dad gives me permission i really don't want to disappointment him for anything so I don't do anything wrong I just mind my own business. But when my barely lets me go out, my mind starts thinking about all of bad things just out of spite for her.

I agree, i do think that the reason kids rebel is because they don't have enough freedom. But girls who get pregnant obviously where given freedom and look what happens. I think parents should give there children freedom, but still be parents.

Humans werent' put on this earth to be picture perfect beings, not all. Non of us are perfect, in m opinion i don't think you can call "life","life" wothough knowing that in life your given obstacles and thats how you improve yourself, in life.

Teenage years are some of the most important years in your lofe just becuase you learn so much about yourself. I believe you can do better as an adult if you make more mistakes as a child, becuase you have older people to better guide you, to clean up the mess you made. Whereas an adult making a mistake they have to correct it all on there own.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Police Officers

Are police officers good or bad?

Today in class I decided to subscribe to a newspaper thing where I look at new update, I subscribed too two news feed. One about the Bay Area and one about the US. When I was just skimping around looking at cool titles to write about I saw too many post about "Oakland Police officers", and accompanied by those three words where the words "death" or "dead".

Reading certain articles make me so very mad. All these articles remind me of the Oscar Grant shot ting. I'm not going to get into the Oscar Grant shooting all I am going to say is I do not agree with the verdict given. Police officers are not supposed to shoot unless there is a threat. Sometimes the people they kill are threats but I've heard f so many cases where people have been beaten, raped, and killed by Police officers. With ought; government officials that are supposed to keep our; cities together the world would be so crazy, but when is it okay for a regular pedestrian to be afraid of the Police.

A lot of innocent people are being hurt for no reason. When I see police I look away I do not even like to deal with police officers. Have you ever notice when a firefighter drives by all of the children wave, but that does not happen when police officers drive by. People do not even acknowledge police officers nicely. I hear so many kids talking about how they want to be police officers to help people but in my opinion I do not think that police officers necessarily help people. I think in the last couple of months in Oakland police officers have hurt more people than they have helped.

I feel really bad for the families of police officers, just because sometimes when police officers die, more people are glad they’re dead than when there alive. Not too long ago in East Oakland a police officer was murdered and so many people where happy about that. I know that when Johannes Miserly gets out of Jail if he does not have security people he will be murdered and I bet they have a peaceful happy rally in Downtown Oakland.

I'm not going to say that all police are good I can say that individual police are good, I'm not going to group the whole police force as Good.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner-Section Two

When I first began this book I did not like it at all. While reading this book I got really into it and did not want to read it or annotate it. I thought it was very boring but, it's actually really interesting.

In class we were having a debate about weather or not it was right for Amir to watch Hassan get raped. Alot of people said what was this little kid going to do against these big oh fifteen year old. But I was saying so what, he should have still saved his best friend. Now in this second section we've found out that Hassan and Amir are really bothers. HOW CRAZY RIGHT. Who would have thought. That's what made me even more angrier than before, the fact that Hassan and Amir were brothers and Amir sat and watched. That's just straight wrong in my opinion how could a real friend do such a thing.

On the other side I think that it was really wrong for Baba to sleep with the Hazara lady. The fact that he knew the two were brothers and did not say anything just makes him a horrible father. I think that both of the boys life would have been much better if they had both known.

Knew I understand why Baba treated Hassan better than Amir, because that was his real son. If he ever had a son he would want him to be just like Hassan. For Amir's whole life he begged to be the dream son Baba always wanted, but in reality Baba already had a dream son and his name was Hassan. Know matter what Amir Baba was never really going to love him.

Another topic brought up in the class discussion was why can't amir have any children. Even though the book said that its really Soraya who's having the baby issues. I think that it is Amir's Karma, for not being a great friend. Because in the end Amir and Baba were just alike; so in my opinion I think he would have just a horrible dad just like his own father.

Friday, November 5, 2010


What do you find funny?

Right now I'm watching Kevin Hart!!! Kevin Hart is so funny. If you haven't seen him on YouTube you should so watch him. Some more funny dudes: Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, and Bill Mahler. I think that these dudes are so funny they keep me laughing; the funniest people in my opinion are people who are like subtle about what they do. Like the comedians who don't really know it but there telling a joke, its super funny to me.

Some of my favorite shows in life are Office space with Steve Carrel there funniness is so funny and crazy. Boondocks because there brutally honest about race and their hilarious. Bad Girls club because the fights are super dumb. Family Guy because Peter is so annoying towards all his other co-characters. The Simpson’s because Homer is very stupid. Total Drama Island because I think they show stuff on cartoon network that's inappropriate and funny and it has me dying laughing.

My favorite movie in the un-doubly is Death at a funeral I think that the funniest scene in the world is when the dude has his hands under the dudes butt on the toilet. When I saw that in the theatre I went crazy, just because I did not know you could put that on TV. Nowadays people can put stuff on Television that I never knew you could. So when I see movies like that it’s so funny too me.

But in real life the funniest thing ever is when people be Roastin on people I don’t mean roasting I mean Roastin. I remember that last year we were always talking about each other and that’s what made me and my friends so close. Like everyone in use to say I look like a squirrel but I would Roast even harder on them. At the end of the school year each person in ma class had an animal name. Ma Homeboy Tyreece was elephant, Tilajah was an hippo, Aziza was a flamingo, Alana was a kamillion, Nokono didn’t have an animal she just looked weird so we said she had an egg head LOL. Andrew was a monkey, Mikkala was a gerbil, and the funniest boy of them all was a jellyfish cause he had long locks. Oh wait Zailegha was a fish could she had big eyes, and ma best friend Akilah was so tall so we called her Giraffe.


This week I decided to do a response post to Kathryn’s blog on America and Oil.

Oil: this is what America uses to power most of its machines and it is also what caused a war. After the prosperity of the 50’s and the civil rights conflicts of the 60’s, another problem struck the U.S. Hostility flared between America and Middle Eastern countries over decreasing the supply of oil. In October 1973 a shocking decision made by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries lead to chaos in the political and economical world, and shook up millions of lives in America, thus leading to today’s war between Iraq and America over the oil export limitations.

I know that I don’t understand a lot about oil, America and its wars in all. But I agree with this statement fully. I have a few questions about the war itself:
What was the original meaning for invading Iraq?
      Who really decided to go in Iraq and invade? Because it sure wasn’t bush.
      Does Iraq even really have any oil, or weapons of mass destruction?
      If Iraq does have oil or Weapons of mass destruction what makes America think, they’re going to let us have those weapons and oil?
             How many presidents is it going to take, to realize that we really need to take our troops out of Iraq?

I know these questions cannot be answered by anyone beside the government, but these are still questions to ponder on. In seventh grade I went to Berkeley high to see a movie about the soldiers who fight in the Iraqi war. The movie was about these soldiers go into this war thinking one thing, and they come out a different human who’s depressed and doesn’t know what to do with their life. In this movie they showed a scene where the rookies where training and they had to do call and repeat.

The sergeant asked:”what makes the green grass grow?” The soldiers replied:” Blood. Blood makes the green grass grow.” I learned that after theses soldiers leave the war there a whole different person and not in a good way. Everyone who deals with these wars is affected in a negative way, and I don’t agree with the Americans who say the war is great but have never been on or even near a battlefield. These people aren’t living the terror every day. Why do millions of people have to die for “OIL”?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kite Runner: Section 1

So far the kite runner is an okay book. I’m not particularly found of books that have characters who rape each other. I really don’t like the fact that a little boy was raped in this book at all. It’s really disturbing in my opinion. When reading this book I have a lot of questions for the author himself:

1) Is this book based of a true story?
2) Is the book about you?
3) What was your emotional state writing this book?
4) Have you ever been raped by another man as a child
5) What made you want to write this book?

I noticed this books language is somewhat hard but somewhat simple to understand. I like the fact the Hassan and Amir are friends, just because it’s rare that a rich boy and a peasant would play together in public. I know! In this book it stated that Hassan and Amir only play together in private and Hassan is never invited to play with Amir when other children are around. But obliviously they play together in public a lot. Assef and his friends see that, Baba, and Kamal all see this. The only problem with the characters themselves is Amir.

Amir is a spoiled brat that really only cares for himself. I wish Amir was more like Hassan, a strong boy who may not have the richest but appreciates life. Amir doesn’t always realize how mean he is too Hassan. I do understand that it is hard not having a father who doesn’t love you but still. Amir spends way too much of his time trying to make his father proud - because he so called “killed” his mother.

Amir believes anything any adult tells him too, his teachers and his Baba. Amir has to realize that he can’t be the “perfect” son. In the back of my mind I think Baba truly wants a son like Hassan, strong, fearless, and modest. Even though I don’t like Amir I think the two boys are a great match for each other. Ones weakness makes up for ones strength.
