Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Police Officers

Are police officers good or bad?

Today in class I decided to subscribe to a newspaper thing where I look at new update, I subscribed too two news feed. One about the Bay Area and one about the US. When I was just skimping around looking at cool titles to write about I saw too many post about "Oakland Police officers", and accompanied by those three words where the words "death" or "dead".

Reading certain articles make me so very mad. All these articles remind me of the Oscar Grant shot ting. I'm not going to get into the Oscar Grant shooting all I am going to say is I do not agree with the verdict given. Police officers are not supposed to shoot unless there is a threat. Sometimes the people they kill are threats but I've heard f so many cases where people have been beaten, raped, and killed by Police officers. With ought; government officials that are supposed to keep our; cities together the world would be so crazy, but when is it okay for a regular pedestrian to be afraid of the Police.

A lot of innocent people are being hurt for no reason. When I see police I look away I do not even like to deal with police officers. Have you ever notice when a firefighter drives by all of the children wave, but that does not happen when police officers drive by. People do not even acknowledge police officers nicely. I hear so many kids talking about how they want to be police officers to help people but in my opinion I do not think that police officers necessarily help people. I think in the last couple of months in Oakland police officers have hurt more people than they have helped.

I feel really bad for the families of police officers, just because sometimes when police officers die, more people are glad they’re dead than when there alive. Not too long ago in East Oakland a police officer was murdered and so many people where happy about that. I know that when Johannes Miserly gets out of Jail if he does not have security people he will be murdered and I bet they have a peaceful happy rally in Downtown Oakland.

I'm not going to say that all police are good I can say that individual police are good, I'm not going to group the whole police force as Good.


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