Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Kite Runner Literary Analysis Essay

The Kite Runnerby Khaled Hosseini is a historical-Fiction Novel. The Kite Runner is a book about a boy’s journey coming to become a man; in the modern hardships of Kabul. Throughout this story this boy’s life he goes through a number of complications that teaches him a bunch of lesson’s on hot to become a better man and how to redeem himself. A major focus of Hosseini’s novel is the way the characters interactions with each other. This book includes three main characters Amir, Baba, and Hassan. Amir is the main-main character; throughout this book he is followed on his journey to redemption. His father Baba is a rich business man who replaces his real love to his son with material goods. Hassan is the servant boy and half-brother of Amir. Amir and Hassan are very close but do not know there half-brothers until later on in the book.

One of the main events of the novel that truly show who the characters are to each other and what they are about is a very sorrowful rape scene, between the neighborhood bullies and Hassan. Hassan is caught in an ally way, there was just A kite tournament and Hassan just ran the last fallen Kite for Amir. Assef and friends (Neighborhood bully) caught Hassan in the ally way and demanded the Kite he just ran for. But Hassan being the loyal person to Amir, doesn’t give it to him in the result; Hassan gets raped “to be a taught a lesson.”

“A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,”Assef said…”But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in any games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around? I’ll tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, you’re nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he’s bored something he can kick when he’s angry. Don’t ever fool yourself and think you’re something more.” “Amir Agha and I are friends,” Hassan said…”Friends?” Assef said laughing. “You pathetic fool! Someday you’ll wake up from little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is. (Page-72)
While the rape is going on Amir is watching everything that’s happening; and he doesn’t stop it from going on. The thing that striked me about what Assef said is “A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,” Hassan is much more loyal than a dog. Dog’s are only loyal when they’re treated nicely and when they have a good owner. Amir and Baba don’t treat Hassan like a dog they treat him like dirt. It would amazing if Amir had the decency to actually treat him like a dog, but he’s so rude and disrespectful. Amir feels like Hassan is taking the father-son love form him, but he’s not. Baba’s just wants a son more like Hassan than he does like Amir. In my opinion if I was to make an prediction on what would have happen had Baba treated Amir differently and Amir’s emotional state was better; Amir would have stopped the Rape and Hassan and Amir would have had a much better relationship with each other for the rest of there lives.

The Kite Runner Originally started when Amir was an adult and Rahim-Khan called him and said “There’s a way to be good again”, so he went back to Pakistan. While in Pakistan Rahim-Khan told Amir that Hassan was really his half brother. He also told Hassan life’s story including the fact that Hassan had a son who was put in an orphanage because, Hassan was shot by the Taliban. At the time Hassan was living in Amir’s old childhood house, but the Taliban thought he was stealing it so they murdered him and his wife in the street execution style. When Amir found all this stuff out he stormed out the small Pakistani apartment and into the streets ready to think, and analyze what he had just herd.

True, I hadn’t made Ali step on the land mine, and I hadn’t brought the Taliban to the house to shoot Hassan. But I had driven Hassan and Ali out of the house. Was it too far-fetched to imagine that things might have turned out differently if they hadn’t? But I had to imagine that things might have turned out differently if I hadn’t? Maybe Baba would have brought him to America. Maybe Hassan would have had a home of his own now, a job, a family, a life in a country where no one cared that he was a Hazara, where most people didn’t even know what a Hazara was. (Page-226)

Amir thinks that the reason why he can’t have kids is because he saw Hassan get raped and didn’t defend him. He feels guilty his whole life and tries to Repent by even switching to Islam. When he learns all this news he realizes that his one action could have changed Hassan, Baba, Ali, Sohrab, and Amir’s life. Like I said before I think that the way Baba treated Amir greatly influenced the ending results of the book. Here we can obviously see that if Amir had gotten the proper love and Care this whole book would have been much different.

So in this essay I’ve talked about how the main characters life in my opinion would have changed completely all because of one crucial event. I’ve also mentioned one of the main topics of the book is - redemption. Amir and Baba truly want to be repented for their actions. But they’ve longed to get that feeling, that there forgive. Amir in conclusion tries living his life the best that he can, to repent from his childhood actions But Amir has to realize that he was child and a child, makes mistakes. And a child can’t be blamed for crucial decisions; like defending three older children from being raped. I honestly still do believe that life would have been different, but it wasn’t and had Amir not mad those bad decisions he would have not been the great man he was in the end.


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