Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner-Section Two

When I first began this book I did not like it at all. While reading this book I got really into it and did not want to read it or annotate it. I thought it was very boring but, it's actually really interesting.

In class we were having a debate about weather or not it was right for Amir to watch Hassan get raped. Alot of people said what was this little kid going to do against these big oh fifteen year old. But I was saying so what, he should have still saved his best friend. Now in this second section we've found out that Hassan and Amir are really bothers. HOW CRAZY RIGHT. Who would have thought. That's what made me even more angrier than before, the fact that Hassan and Amir were brothers and Amir sat and watched. That's just straight wrong in my opinion how could a real friend do such a thing.

On the other side I think that it was really wrong for Baba to sleep with the Hazara lady. The fact that he knew the two were brothers and did not say anything just makes him a horrible father. I think that both of the boys life would have been much better if they had both known.

Knew I understand why Baba treated Hassan better than Amir, because that was his real son. If he ever had a son he would want him to be just like Hassan. For Amir's whole life he begged to be the dream son Baba always wanted, but in reality Baba already had a dream son and his name was Hassan. Know matter what Amir Baba was never really going to love him.

Another topic brought up in the class discussion was why can't amir have any children. Even though the book said that its really Soraya who's having the baby issues. I think that it is Amir's Karma, for not being a great friend. Because in the end Amir and Baba were just alike; so in my opinion I think he would have just a horrible dad just like his own father.


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