Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner-Section 3

I loved the whole book!

What I didn't like was the ending. I started out not wanting to read this book at all, but Reading through it I loved all the dram; I just didn't agree with the sudden boring ending like really. Are you F****** kidding me. I could not believe my eyes I was reading and because of the extra section I thought I had a whole nother chapter before I was done-Wrong!

This book had so many twist too it. I really enjoyed it , but the ending was like half cliff hanger half ending. The ending seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. I thought something else was going to happen especially because in the book Amir said:

"Little did I know, that would be the last time In a year that I would hear Sohrab Speak."
But Sohrab still didn't speak in the end he just smiled. If I'm not mistaken!

Khaled Hosseni like I said before did an amazing job ending this book. In my personal outlook on this book, it seems like this book is one of those books where the ending is never really told. It just hangs over a cliff, and you create the ending.

I'm not sure if Amir found a resolution, I'm not sure I'm not sure if in the end did Amir really repent his sins. Its very unclear, there's no doubt in my mind that Amir as a person has improved everything about himself.

My favorite part of this book was when Amir got married. Amir has grown along ways, when I was reading and then amir said to his father go ask for her hand in married I got a little scared. I though that the general was going to say no for some odd reason but he didn't.

My second favorite Part was when little Sohrab busted Assefs eye with the marble thing he truly is a little Hassam, AWWWWW.

My third and last favorite part was when Amir left all that money for the money he was staying with in Pakistan.

What I wish would have happened was I wish that Hassan and Amir as adults would have met, and that they both would have sons the same age to play with.

One thing I thought would have happened was I thought that when Assef said:

"Amir and I have unfinished business...No matter what you hear dont open the door"
I thought Assef was going to rape Amir.


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