Friday, November 5, 2010


This week I decided to do a response post to Kathryn’s blog on America and Oil.

Oil: this is what America uses to power most of its machines and it is also what caused a war. After the prosperity of the 50’s and the civil rights conflicts of the 60’s, another problem struck the U.S. Hostility flared between America and Middle Eastern countries over decreasing the supply of oil. In October 1973 a shocking decision made by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries lead to chaos in the political and economical world, and shook up millions of lives in America, thus leading to today’s war between Iraq and America over the oil export limitations.

I know that I don’t understand a lot about oil, America and its wars in all. But I agree with this statement fully. I have a few questions about the war itself:
What was the original meaning for invading Iraq?
      Who really decided to go in Iraq and invade? Because it sure wasn’t bush.
      Does Iraq even really have any oil, or weapons of mass destruction?
      If Iraq does have oil or Weapons of mass destruction what makes America think, they’re going to let us have those weapons and oil?
             How many presidents is it going to take, to realize that we really need to take our troops out of Iraq?

I know these questions cannot be answered by anyone beside the government, but these are still questions to ponder on. In seventh grade I went to Berkeley high to see a movie about the soldiers who fight in the Iraqi war. The movie was about these soldiers go into this war thinking one thing, and they come out a different human who’s depressed and doesn’t know what to do with their life. In this movie they showed a scene where the rookies where training and they had to do call and repeat.

The sergeant asked:”what makes the green grass grow?” The soldiers replied:” Blood. Blood makes the green grass grow.” I learned that after theses soldiers leave the war there a whole different person and not in a good way. Everyone who deals with these wars is affected in a negative way, and I don’t agree with the Americans who say the war is great but have never been on or even near a battlefield. These people aren’t living the terror every day. Why do millions of people have to die for “OIL”?


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