Friday, November 5, 2010


What do you find funny?

Right now I'm watching Kevin Hart!!! Kevin Hart is so funny. If you haven't seen him on YouTube you should so watch him. Some more funny dudes: Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, and Bill Mahler. I think that these dudes are so funny they keep me laughing; the funniest people in my opinion are people who are like subtle about what they do. Like the comedians who don't really know it but there telling a joke, its super funny to me.

Some of my favorite shows in life are Office space with Steve Carrel there funniness is so funny and crazy. Boondocks because there brutally honest about race and their hilarious. Bad Girls club because the fights are super dumb. Family Guy because Peter is so annoying towards all his other co-characters. The Simpson’s because Homer is very stupid. Total Drama Island because I think they show stuff on cartoon network that's inappropriate and funny and it has me dying laughing.

My favorite movie in the un-doubly is Death at a funeral I think that the funniest scene in the world is when the dude has his hands under the dudes butt on the toilet. When I saw that in the theatre I went crazy, just because I did not know you could put that on TV. Nowadays people can put stuff on Television that I never knew you could. So when I see movies like that it’s so funny too me.

But in real life the funniest thing ever is when people be Roastin on people I don’t mean roasting I mean Roastin. I remember that last year we were always talking about each other and that’s what made me and my friends so close. Like everyone in use to say I look like a squirrel but I would Roast even harder on them. At the end of the school year each person in ma class had an animal name. Ma Homeboy Tyreece was elephant, Tilajah was an hippo, Aziza was a flamingo, Alana was a kamillion, Nokono didn’t have an animal she just looked weird so we said she had an egg head LOL. Andrew was a monkey, Mikkala was a gerbil, and the funniest boy of them all was a jellyfish cause he had long locks. Oh wait Zailegha was a fish could she had big eyes, and ma best friend Akilah was so tall so we called her Giraffe.


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