Friday, December 17, 2010

Lhadze is an Amazing Person!

OMG, I was going through a bunch of blogposts on google reader and I found Meriams response to Lhadze's Blog Post. I dint read Meriams response I just read Lhadze's actual post. I think that a person who honestly think this way about others is an amazing person inside and out. You wouldn't think that a scene/emo person like Lhadze would write something so touching.

Disability issues are common all over the world. People are born mentally & physically handicapped. Even if they can't walk or hold still it does not mean that they are not human. These people deserve all the rights everyone else. Because they have all the rights of normal people....How would you like to be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life? I mean we all dream to be on top, famous, or happy, but when we treat these people so rudely you don't how much we hurt them making them feel so much lower.  Next time think before you act. Don't insult the less fortunate cause that can be you tomorrow.
All I have to say is what human being still thinks like this. I wish we all thought like Lhadze. I've never really noticed things about others like that. Like today I went to a Christmas party, and my sister and I were laughing at this girl, and when my grandma pointed out that this was very rude and mean, and we couldn't talk about her because we didn't know her situation it made me feel really bad on the inside. When I think of the people who cant even walk I feel like crying. But yet when I see them there smiling.

One way I call my head is I listen to music and like to walk or run place. What if I did not have legs? What if I was def? What if I had cancer, and no hair? When I think of things in depth and life just in general I get so depressed. Because honestly at any day we could be walking to school and someone can pull onto the curb hit us and paralyze us from the waist down. That's why when people(who aren't disabled and do not have a disability) act a certain way I feel bad for them because people really don't understand that KARMA is a B****. And what goes around comes around. Unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way. So when I tell you this please be nice. And have a merry berry Christmas and the next time y'all her ma loud voice it will be 2011.
P.S. I suggest all the readers out there make there new new years resolution is too not only say nice things but think nice things.

So today we had our last LCD Discussion and once again Beatrice and I bumped heads on how the main character Winter, and a male character named Midnight feel about each other. Beatrice said that Midnight does love Winter but I know he doesn't. In the end of the book winter was supposed to go back to Brooklyn and go get some letters from her mother. But she didn't because she was afraid of what her too old friends (Simone and Natalie) would do too her. When she finally did go back to Brooklyn, the worst happened. Simone cut her face up, and Winter was left in a car. Where the police charged her for Drug possession, Murder, and other things that landed her in Jail for fifteen years at an minimum.

Later on we find out that shes already served eight years, and she never gets a visit from anyone. We also find out that all her friends from the hood, also got arrested for drug charges(P.S. they did  not do anything like winter they were with a man who was doing drugs, the girls got charged and the men didn't because they left the girl hanging.) This makes think of women in general. How come women can put there whole life in the hands of a man? In the coldest winter ever Winter always gets everything from her father. But when the house gets raided she realizes she has to learn to survive on her own, instead of depending on men. For the rest of the book if winter can't find a way to do something for herself than she can't feel safe.

Winter feels like that at all times she needs to have at least a little bit of money in her pocket. That's why when she went and stayed with Bullet, it was so strange. He never ever let her have any money and he did not really trust her as a person. In my opinion he was just to iffy. I feel like life would have been much better if Winter had an different outlook on men. She needs to realize that all men are not like her father. Her father loved her and would die for her no matter if she lied, it wasn't the same.

And at the same time once again we were arguing about winter and her relationship with him. But overall I hated the book. I do not want to even read Midnight, another book written by Sister Souljah. The book had a horrible ending and the author made herself look like a hero in the book which is BS.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

So I've made it to the second section of the Coldest Winter Ever, and I dislike Winter even more than I did before. She's proven that she cant grow and she cant improve at what she does. It's like this girl stays the same. She knows that she doesn't have allot of money but shes constantly trying to spend it to get with Midnight. Midnight is a dude who only sees Winter as the little Sister he never got a chance to help.

When Adralyn, Beatrice, and I were having our discussion in class Beatrice kept saying that Midnight does Love Winter. But see I was saying that he doesn't not like her. She only thinks of her as a sister. Like onetime, when Midnight had to take winter and her sisters shopping, and Winter was picking out clothes but Midnight though that they were way to inappropriate. He said that the outfit he picked out was something that he would let his sister where who was fourteen at the time.

Beatrice on the other hand Beatrice was saying that  Midnight loves Winter. But he doesn't when he was about to leave Winter asked why wont you take me with me you his reply was "your self centered.You only pay attention to yourself. You don't pay attention to the world around you. I'm not going to let you slow me down." He wouldn't take Winter with him because she can't benefit him at all. Shes so lazy its crazy.

Another issue I was having was that the author put herself in the book. I didn't like that all, why would she put herself in the story as a savior. The story made herself think that shes the best person ever. She's way too secretive, she was like I know nothing about you winter. But in the end she knew allot like, she knew her family , and she knew midnight very well. But in the end I didn't like how Winter stole 7,000$ from an AIDS benefit. What kind of person does that. But Karma came back and she don't have no money so knows she broke.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

So this time around we were given a chance to pick our books, and I choose a very very intresting book by a lady names Sister Souljah. Its called the coldest winter ever and its captured in first person narrative from a girl named Winters Point of view. When I first started reading this book I fell in love with Winter. Shes a very interesting over privileged girl. She was born and raised in Brooklyn and later moved to Long Island.

Her father is a major rich drug dealer who does everything for her, so in a sense she doesn't know how to survive on her own. She looks down on others who can't spend like she, and she only dates men who have money to spend on her. She's a very promiscuous character, Winter. In the beginning of the book its explained that she had sex at the tender age of twelve which is a big hint to what kind of person she is. The only problem is her father Santiago doesn't want his daughter acting like this.

In the story Santiago has many street souljers who actually sell the drug and one of his most trusted is Midnight. The man who Winter has wanted to get with for since she was thirteen, the man who is five years older than winter, and the man who only looks at winter as a baby sister who he doesn't respect at all. Santiago drug dealing empire comes to a fall, Winter her three sister and mother have to find a way to fend for themselves. But Winter's mom becomes a crackhead and her sisters are left in CPS (Child Protective Services). Winter is taken to a group home where she starts little fashion business where she sell things to her friends there. but winter doesn't have alot of money so she gets her long time friend Simone to steal it for her, but one day when Simone is stealing the clothes for Winter to where to a concert, she gets caught the first person she calls to bail her out is Winter; but what does winter say NO.

That brings me to my first point Winter is such a horrible friend to her Mom,Sister,Simone, and Natalie. WHy couldn't she just have bailed her out, and on top of that shes spending hndreds of dollars even though she only has $2500. Just to impress Midnight who does not like her and who left winter whithought her, but apparentley she doesn't realize that he really doesn't like her. Shes a desperate whore, but I think thats over the time os this book she's learning.

Oakland is Hella Bomb!

So this week I decided to write about my main city Oakland. Like Luis if you did not know I live in Oakland, Obviously. I'm going to take an excerpt from Luis and Alex this week. So Two Response post this week basically.

Alex Tang Posted:

This was really pointed out to me the other day when I was flipping through the TV channels and I came upon this show named gang wars. This show caught my attention in particular because it was talking about the gangs and violence in Oakland. The show specifically focused on the cycle of violence. Whenever one act of of violence was committed it would be responded to by another act of violence. It is a sad truth that many people in Oakland have to deal with.
Luis Said:

Oakland is a great place to live at. If you may not know, I live in Oakland. Oakland is so much fun, so many things to do all day. You can go walking around, play sports, or just hang out with some friends. There are many places where you can go, the park, stores, or just outside. Many people out there say," Ohhhh... Oakland is dangerous, do not go outside or you will get shot." No, this hardly happens where I live, sometimes. Most danger is not during the day, it is during the night. What would you be doing at night all alone anyways. Overall, many stuff are to be done in Oakland and enjoyed, and it is my pleasure to be able to explore this amazing city.
When I first read Luis's response post I thought Alex Noble had posted this, but in fact it was Alex Tang who lives in Oakland. What the hell Alex, are you stupid. If you didn't notice this Oakland is not as violent as people portray it to be.Honestly. I live in West Oakland where there are shootings every know and again, but I've been living there for five going on six years after moving from Berkeley and I've never been Shot at.

Luis said this correctly that Oakland is an amazing city. I am so proud that I live in Oakland instead of bootsy Alameda. There's always something to do and someone to hang out with. I remember I told a friend of mine that I attended a school in Alameda and they said "Wheres that". Then I said "See, its so weak you don't even know where it is."

I am proud that I live in a city like Oakland and Alameda or Lafayette, Dublin, Plesinton. Great city's that actually mean something. For Alex to say something like crap that Oakland has to much gangs and violence, the majority of Oakland is not that Violent and in My opinion I think that its the police that make Oakland Violent.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Kite Runnerby Khaled Hosseini is a historical-Fiction Novel. The Kite Runner is a book about a boy’s journey coming to become a man; in the modern hardships of Kabul. Throughout this story this boy’s life he goes through a number of complications that teaches him a bunch of lesson’s on hot to become a better man and how to redeem himself. A major focus of Hosseini’s novel is the way the characters interactions with each other. This book includes three main characters Amir, Baba, and Hassan. Amir is the main-main character; throughout this book he is followed on his journey to redemption. His father Baba is a rich business man who replaces his real love to his son with material goods. Hassan is the servant boy and half-brother of Amir. Amir and Hassan are very close but do not know there half-brothers until later on in the book.

One of the main events of the novel that truly show who the characters are to each other and what they are about is a very sorrowful rape scene, between the neighborhood bullies and Hassan. Hassan is caught in an ally way, there was just A kite tournament and Hassan just ran the last fallen Kite for Amir. Assef and friends (Neighborhood bully) caught Hassan in the ally way and demanded the Kite he just ran for. But Hassan being the loyal person to Amir, doesn’t give it to him in the result; Hassan gets raped “to be a taught a lesson.”

“A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,”Assef said…”But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in any games when he has guests? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around? I’ll tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, you’re nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he’s bored something he can kick when he’s angry. Don’t ever fool yourself and think you’re something more.” “Amir Agha and I are friends,” Hassan said…”Friends?” Assef said laughing. “You pathetic fool! Someday you’ll wake up from little fantasy and learn just how good of a friend he is. (Page-72)
While the rape is going on Amir is watching everything that’s happening; and he doesn’t stop it from going on. The thing that striked me about what Assef said is “A loyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog,” Hassan is much more loyal than a dog. Dog’s are only loyal when they’re treated nicely and when they have a good owner. Amir and Baba don’t treat Hassan like a dog they treat him like dirt. It would amazing if Amir had the decency to actually treat him like a dog, but he’s so rude and disrespectful. Amir feels like Hassan is taking the father-son love form him, but he’s not. Baba’s just wants a son more like Hassan than he does like Amir. In my opinion if I was to make an prediction on what would have happen had Baba treated Amir differently and Amir’s emotional state was better; Amir would have stopped the Rape and Hassan and Amir would have had a much better relationship with each other for the rest of there lives.

The Kite Runner Originally started when Amir was an adult and Rahim-Khan called him and said “There’s a way to be good again”, so he went back to Pakistan. While in Pakistan Rahim-Khan told Amir that Hassan was really his half brother. He also told Hassan life’s story including the fact that Hassan had a son who was put in an orphanage because, Hassan was shot by the Taliban. At the time Hassan was living in Amir’s old childhood house, but the Taliban thought he was stealing it so they murdered him and his wife in the street execution style. When Amir found all this stuff out he stormed out the small Pakistani apartment and into the streets ready to think, and analyze what he had just herd.

True, I hadn’t made Ali step on the land mine, and I hadn’t brought the Taliban to the house to shoot Hassan. But I had driven Hassan and Ali out of the house. Was it too far-fetched to imagine that things might have turned out differently if they hadn’t? But I had to imagine that things might have turned out differently if I hadn’t? Maybe Baba would have brought him to America. Maybe Hassan would have had a home of his own now, a job, a family, a life in a country where no one cared that he was a Hazara, where most people didn’t even know what a Hazara was. (Page-226)

Amir thinks that the reason why he can’t have kids is because he saw Hassan get raped and didn’t defend him. He feels guilty his whole life and tries to Repent by even switching to Islam. When he learns all this news he realizes that his one action could have changed Hassan, Baba, Ali, Sohrab, and Amir’s life. Like I said before I think that the way Baba treated Amir greatly influenced the ending results of the book. Here we can obviously see that if Amir had gotten the proper love and Care this whole book would have been much different.

So in this essay I’ve talked about how the main characters life in my opinion would have changed completely all because of one crucial event. I’ve also mentioned one of the main topics of the book is - redemption. Amir and Baba truly want to be repented for their actions. But they’ve longed to get that feeling, that there forgive. Amir in conclusion tries living his life the best that he can, to repent from his childhood actions But Amir has to realize that he was child and a child, makes mistakes. And a child can’t be blamed for crucial decisions; like defending three older children from being raped. I honestly still do believe that life would have been different, but it wasn’t and had Amir not mad those bad decisions he would have not been the great man he was in the end.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner-Section 3

I loved the whole book!

What I didn't like was the ending. I started out not wanting to read this book at all, but Reading through it I loved all the dram; I just didn't agree with the sudden boring ending like really. Are you F****** kidding me. I could not believe my eyes I was reading and because of the extra section I thought I had a whole nother chapter before I was done-Wrong!

This book had so many twist too it. I really enjoyed it , but the ending was like half cliff hanger half ending. The ending seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. I thought something else was going to happen especially because in the book Amir said:

"Little did I know, that would be the last time In a year that I would hear Sohrab Speak."
But Sohrab still didn't speak in the end he just smiled. If I'm not mistaken!

Khaled Hosseni like I said before did an amazing job ending this book. In my personal outlook on this book, it seems like this book is one of those books where the ending is never really told. It just hangs over a cliff, and you create the ending.

I'm not sure if Amir found a resolution, I'm not sure I'm not sure if in the end did Amir really repent his sins. Its very unclear, there's no doubt in my mind that Amir as a person has improved everything about himself.

My favorite part of this book was when Amir got married. Amir has grown along ways, when I was reading and then amir said to his father go ask for her hand in married I got a little scared. I though that the general was going to say no for some odd reason but he didn't.

My second favorite Part was when little Sohrab busted Assefs eye with the marble thing he truly is a little Hassam, AWWWWW.

My third and last favorite part was when Amir left all that money for the money he was staying with in Pakistan.

What I wish would have happened was I wish that Hassan and Amir as adults would have met, and that they both would have sons the same age to play with.

One thing I thought would have happened was I thought that when Assef said:

"Amir and I have unfinished business...No matter what you hear dont open the door"
I thought Assef was going to rape Amir.

Friday, November 12, 2010

This week I'm commenting on Karissa's Post, on over controlling parents.

One of the same excuses my mom has been giving me about the reason she won't let me go is because she doesn't have any information about it and doesn't know who runs it, where it is, blah blah blah. However, each time she says this, I give her more and more information...She also agreed with me on the fact that if parents don't let their kids do anything, they'll most likely end up rebelling later on. Her mom even agreed with me. I told her i would keep asking if I could come with them  but I don't know what to do to change her mind. If you have any ideas let me know. ......maybe I'll ask my dad if I can go next week. He's a lot more reasonable... -Karissa Coleman
I feel the exactly same way,my mom and dad don't want me getting into any trouble. But my mom is just way to over protective. Aren't dads supposed to be the over protective ones. But my dads not. He lets me go allot of places, as long as he knows its safe. When I go somewhere and my dad gives me permission i really don't want to disappointment him for anything so I don't do anything wrong I just mind my own business. But when my barely lets me go out, my mind starts thinking about all of bad things just out of spite for her.

I agree, i do think that the reason kids rebel is because they don't have enough freedom. But girls who get pregnant obviously where given freedom and look what happens. I think parents should give there children freedom, but still be parents.

Humans werent' put on this earth to be picture perfect beings, not all. Non of us are perfect, in m opinion i don't think you can call "life","life" wothough knowing that in life your given obstacles and thats how you improve yourself, in life.

Teenage years are some of the most important years in your lofe just becuase you learn so much about yourself. I believe you can do better as an adult if you make more mistakes as a child, becuase you have older people to better guide you, to clean up the mess you made. Whereas an adult making a mistake they have to correct it all on there own.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Police Officers

Are police officers good or bad?

Today in class I decided to subscribe to a newspaper thing where I look at new update, I subscribed too two news feed. One about the Bay Area and one about the US. When I was just skimping around looking at cool titles to write about I saw too many post about "Oakland Police officers", and accompanied by those three words where the words "death" or "dead".

Reading certain articles make me so very mad. All these articles remind me of the Oscar Grant shot ting. I'm not going to get into the Oscar Grant shooting all I am going to say is I do not agree with the verdict given. Police officers are not supposed to shoot unless there is a threat. Sometimes the people they kill are threats but I've heard f so many cases where people have been beaten, raped, and killed by Police officers. With ought; government officials that are supposed to keep our; cities together the world would be so crazy, but when is it okay for a regular pedestrian to be afraid of the Police.

A lot of innocent people are being hurt for no reason. When I see police I look away I do not even like to deal with police officers. Have you ever notice when a firefighter drives by all of the children wave, but that does not happen when police officers drive by. People do not even acknowledge police officers nicely. I hear so many kids talking about how they want to be police officers to help people but in my opinion I do not think that police officers necessarily help people. I think in the last couple of months in Oakland police officers have hurt more people than they have helped.

I feel really bad for the families of police officers, just because sometimes when police officers die, more people are glad they’re dead than when there alive. Not too long ago in East Oakland a police officer was murdered and so many people where happy about that. I know that when Johannes Miserly gets out of Jail if he does not have security people he will be murdered and I bet they have a peaceful happy rally in Downtown Oakland.

I'm not going to say that all police are good I can say that individual police are good, I'm not going to group the whole police force as Good.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner-Section Two

When I first began this book I did not like it at all. While reading this book I got really into it and did not want to read it or annotate it. I thought it was very boring but, it's actually really interesting.

In class we were having a debate about weather or not it was right for Amir to watch Hassan get raped. Alot of people said what was this little kid going to do against these big oh fifteen year old. But I was saying so what, he should have still saved his best friend. Now in this second section we've found out that Hassan and Amir are really bothers. HOW CRAZY RIGHT. Who would have thought. That's what made me even more angrier than before, the fact that Hassan and Amir were brothers and Amir sat and watched. That's just straight wrong in my opinion how could a real friend do such a thing.

On the other side I think that it was really wrong for Baba to sleep with the Hazara lady. The fact that he knew the two were brothers and did not say anything just makes him a horrible father. I think that both of the boys life would have been much better if they had both known.

Knew I understand why Baba treated Hassan better than Amir, because that was his real son. If he ever had a son he would want him to be just like Hassan. For Amir's whole life he begged to be the dream son Baba always wanted, but in reality Baba already had a dream son and his name was Hassan. Know matter what Amir Baba was never really going to love him.

Another topic brought up in the class discussion was why can't amir have any children. Even though the book said that its really Soraya who's having the baby issues. I think that it is Amir's Karma, for not being a great friend. Because in the end Amir and Baba were just alike; so in my opinion I think he would have just a horrible dad just like his own father.

Friday, November 5, 2010


What do you find funny?

Right now I'm watching Kevin Hart!!! Kevin Hart is so funny. If you haven't seen him on YouTube you should so watch him. Some more funny dudes: Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, and Bill Mahler. I think that these dudes are so funny they keep me laughing; the funniest people in my opinion are people who are like subtle about what they do. Like the comedians who don't really know it but there telling a joke, its super funny to me.

Some of my favorite shows in life are Office space with Steve Carrel there funniness is so funny and crazy. Boondocks because there brutally honest about race and their hilarious. Bad Girls club because the fights are super dumb. Family Guy because Peter is so annoying towards all his other co-characters. The Simpson’s because Homer is very stupid. Total Drama Island because I think they show stuff on cartoon network that's inappropriate and funny and it has me dying laughing.

My favorite movie in the un-doubly is Death at a funeral I think that the funniest scene in the world is when the dude has his hands under the dudes butt on the toilet. When I saw that in the theatre I went crazy, just because I did not know you could put that on TV. Nowadays people can put stuff on Television that I never knew you could. So when I see movies like that it’s so funny too me.

But in real life the funniest thing ever is when people be Roastin on people I don’t mean roasting I mean Roastin. I remember that last year we were always talking about each other and that’s what made me and my friends so close. Like everyone in use to say I look like a squirrel but I would Roast even harder on them. At the end of the school year each person in ma class had an animal name. Ma Homeboy Tyreece was elephant, Tilajah was an hippo, Aziza was a flamingo, Alana was a kamillion, Nokono didn’t have an animal she just looked weird so we said she had an egg head LOL. Andrew was a monkey, Mikkala was a gerbil, and the funniest boy of them all was a jellyfish cause he had long locks. Oh wait Zailegha was a fish could she had big eyes, and ma best friend Akilah was so tall so we called her Giraffe.


This week I decided to do a response post to Kathryn’s blog on America and Oil.

Oil: this is what America uses to power most of its machines and it is also what caused a war. After the prosperity of the 50’s and the civil rights conflicts of the 60’s, another problem struck the U.S. Hostility flared between America and Middle Eastern countries over decreasing the supply of oil. In October 1973 a shocking decision made by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries lead to chaos in the political and economical world, and shook up millions of lives in America, thus leading to today’s war between Iraq and America over the oil export limitations.

I know that I don’t understand a lot about oil, America and its wars in all. But I agree with this statement fully. I have a few questions about the war itself:
What was the original meaning for invading Iraq?
      Who really decided to go in Iraq and invade? Because it sure wasn’t bush.
      Does Iraq even really have any oil, or weapons of mass destruction?
      If Iraq does have oil or Weapons of mass destruction what makes America think, they’re going to let us have those weapons and oil?
             How many presidents is it going to take, to realize that we really need to take our troops out of Iraq?

I know these questions cannot be answered by anyone beside the government, but these are still questions to ponder on. In seventh grade I went to Berkeley high to see a movie about the soldiers who fight in the Iraqi war. The movie was about these soldiers go into this war thinking one thing, and they come out a different human who’s depressed and doesn’t know what to do with their life. In this movie they showed a scene where the rookies where training and they had to do call and repeat.

The sergeant asked:”what makes the green grass grow?” The soldiers replied:” Blood. Blood makes the green grass grow.” I learned that after theses soldiers leave the war there a whole different person and not in a good way. Everyone who deals with these wars is affected in a negative way, and I don’t agree with the Americans who say the war is great but have never been on or even near a battlefield. These people aren’t living the terror every day. Why do millions of people have to die for “OIL”?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kite Runner: Section 1

So far the kite runner is an okay book. I’m not particularly found of books that have characters who rape each other. I really don’t like the fact that a little boy was raped in this book at all. It’s really disturbing in my opinion. When reading this book I have a lot of questions for the author himself:

1) Is this book based of a true story?
2) Is the book about you?
3) What was your emotional state writing this book?
4) Have you ever been raped by another man as a child
5) What made you want to write this book?

I noticed this books language is somewhat hard but somewhat simple to understand. I like the fact the Hassan and Amir are friends, just because it’s rare that a rich boy and a peasant would play together in public. I know! In this book it stated that Hassan and Amir only play together in private and Hassan is never invited to play with Amir when other children are around. But obliviously they play together in public a lot. Assef and his friends see that, Baba, and Kamal all see this. The only problem with the characters themselves is Amir.

Amir is a spoiled brat that really only cares for himself. I wish Amir was more like Hassan, a strong boy who may not have the richest but appreciates life. Amir doesn’t always realize how mean he is too Hassan. I do understand that it is hard not having a father who doesn’t love you but still. Amir spends way too much of his time trying to make his father proud - because he so called “killed” his mother.

Amir believes anything any adult tells him too, his teachers and his Baba. Amir has to realize that he can’t be the “perfect” son. In the back of my mind I think Baba truly wants a son like Hassan, strong, fearless, and modest. Even though I don’t like Amir I think the two boys are a great match for each other. Ones weakness makes up for ones strength.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflexive Essay

During my first Quarter of writing my blog posts received responses affected how I look at things in general. Over a course of one Quarter I've written seventeen blog posts. Some blog posts have been very controversial others which have been boring, others very lazily written, and some which just make me angry to see the response posts. My first blog posts where just assignments, but as I progressed I seemed to be starting very controversial debates a lot of which were on the topic of race. After a couple of those debates, I slowed down on my writing and just put boring stuff on blogger I knew people wouldn't read.

Over my fourteen years of living on this earth I haven't had a very diverse group of friends. Our opinions on a lot of topics have all been the same basically. I predicated posting blog posts I would hear a lot of agreement. I received the opposite of what I believed people would say. I got a lot of disagreement when people responded to my posts, when I was reading some of these response posts I got really angry and sad because people didn't' agree with me. Then I realized there are a lot of people who aren't going to agree with every thing I have to say. One post I wrote was called Swagga-Style When I wrote this post I asked for people
to comment not really meaning anything of it, know one had ever responded to any of my other posts; so I didn’t believe they would do it this time. But when Mr. Sutherland showed it to the sophomores instantly the sophomores went home to respond to my posts. A lot of the posts where saying I was racist or prejudice, but one specific person grizzelle e. wrote a response post about my Swagga-Style post. One thing I noticed about her posts that differentiated from the rest of response posts were instead of completely writing about how I’m prejudice she suggests ideas on how to better my writing in that particularly posts and in the future. I realized that sometimes it’s not the topic itself, it’s the way I approached the topic and my format of writing it. If I had of changed my format, I would have made a better argument to my audience. With ought grizzelle e. pointing this ought to me, I would have just thought that I choose a topic that should never be discussed, but I choose a lot of amazing topics that need to be discussed; I just need to learn to write a more convincing argument.

At the beginning of writing my blog I was so passionate and happy about writing a blog, but as I kept writing I began dislike it. I started writing blogs about topics that I wanted to talk about, but I knew if I began a conversation about these specific topics it would be random. So I decided to choose my topics on what I really wanted to hear a debate on. Towards the end and even now I don’t really like writing on my blog. After being talked about I just feel like blogging isn’t worth it. I understand that my topics just need to be written better; I just feel like no matter what happens my blogs will be bashed. I guess now after hearing people’s opinions on my blog, I’m not confident on writing at all. If I’m given a prompt then in my opinion I can write an amazing essay. I just feel that my confidence on writing has gone down. I already knew that I wasn’t a good writer but now I defiantly know it. I’ve realized that over my time writing on the blogs I have talked a lot about race. Not every person in the world is as Outgoing or willing to talk about race. I can’t personally always expect every single person to be on my side when I’m talking about race. As a result of this I need to understand when the appropriate time to talk about these particular subjects is. But in general I’m going to try to stop bringing up race, weather ‘ about me or someone else. I don’t know who is comfortable with those kinds of discussions; I’m not going to go around and ask who is. Plus I’ve also noticed that someone people don’t really want to hear me talk about these particular subjects, so I will neither talk about them nor write about them. In general I guess blogging was a great experience because I learned how to better voice my opinions, but I’m not as confident to write as I was before.

When I’m writing in Mrs. Corbally class I have prompt to choose from and an formats to follow, so I’m following guidelines. But when I’m writing in Mr. Sutherland’s room I’m really just saying stuff I feel like talking about at that moment and that time. Our work doesn’t get edited its not proofed its just thoughts. We don’t get eon how to write it better in my opinion the majority of the time we get feedback on if the reader liked it or not, and that’s it. I prefer to write strictly academic thing rather than blogs. Just because I’m graded on how I write instead of what my subject being chosen to write about. I just feel like Academic wring in my opinion is much better for me personally. Plus in her class, later our papers get edited we so we constantly work on these one specific papers.

Next Quarter I want my writing to be less controversial. I think that I’m going to stop writing about topics that constantly swerve debates. I find a lot of times debates, topics, and writing opinions get talked about negatively/ Its probably because I look at my discussion on one-side; in a way I think I’m very biased. People don’t wan to hear or read biased opinions, and I don’t constantly want to be talked about how racist I am. It’s really just not working out for me. Instead I’m going to pick topics that are appropriate, for school and other peoples opinion. As a human being I want to better myself, and I don’t want to unconsciously put any one down. That’s not my goal, I just want people to read my work; but one thing I have l learned form blogging is technically- you don’t have the freedom of speech.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Q's Essay

Q’s Better Bigger Confidence

In Q’s travels through the dinosaur he’s more confident and out right in himself, where as in the Aquatic Uncle he’s not.

Q’s more confident in himself in the fact that he thinks, he should get any girl he wants. So he’ll make sure he gets a girl like half-breed.

“and you don’t dance with me , Ill dance with another”. I cried. I grasped the half-breed by one paw, carrying her off Zahn’s nose. First he watched us move without understanding, he was so lost in his amorous contemplation, then he seized with jealous rage... The half-breed and I already dived into the river and were swimming toward the other-bank to hide in the bushes”.

Q Shows that he’s good enough for any female and if Fern-Flower does not want him then he’ll definitely go get someone who does. Compared to the aquatic uncle Q is a much stronger person I bet if this was another story, he would not have taken half-breed like that. But he’s trying to make a point to two people that he is dominant and if there’s something he wants he’ll go get it and know one will stop him. For example it said Zahn raged with jalousie he wouldn’t have stepped to Q because of the last fight he got whooped.

Ever since Zhan met Q he’s been really suspicious of him. He doesn’t trust him so he rally wants to test his loyalty to this new group of people/ weasels.

”I’d like to see him in battle, with that little lizard’s mouth of his…” Zahn went over to him, abruptly, nose to nose. “You can see me right now, if you don’t run away”.

In the aquatic uncle he would never stand up to his uncle, but he steps up too Zahn, no problem. He quickly proves how strong he is, and he nips it in the bud. With ought anymore confrontation he proves how strong he is. This quote in my opinion is a step up from Q in the last story, He’s much more confident. He’s very sensitive but he’s really out there. Especially during this fight he’s ready to show that he’s on top and how he’s not a trader, and he’s here to help.

Q is the so worried about only himself, he thinks that if the creatures find out he’s a dinosaur that there going to kill him. Nut he doesn’t realize that he’s been away for a while, and he’s the last dinosaur so these creatures have never probably seen a dinosaur before.

“Yes, I am one, if you dare to know”, I shouted” a dinosaur that’s what I am! Since you never have seen any dinosaurs, here, take a look at me!”

Q just wants to hurry up and tell the little animals that he is a dinosaur. But he doesn’t feel obligated to hide his true self anymore. In the very beginning of this story he starts out by not wanting to burst out the fact that he’s a dinosaur. Through this story unlike the aquatic uncle he grows within the story at the end he, ends up taking pride into the fact that he is a dinosaur, and just blurts it out.

Of Mice and Men Essay

Of Mice and men is a novella written by John Steinbeck. This story portrays two struggling men, who have been hit by the great depression. They wander around trying to find work, and in the process they meet characters who will change their liives forever. The central conflict in Of Mice and Men is character vs. character because, in this story one of of the main characters Lennie is having a hard time dealing with people who aren't’ like his best friend George. He comes in contact with more than two other characters that really test who he is, and what he’s all about. But he hasn’t completely grasped who to deal with conflict so most of the time its just his anger answering for him.

In Of Mice and Men Lennie is having a hard time really following the rules at the new barn, Curley and Curley’s wife constantly want to do wrong by Lennie even though he’s never done anything to them. When Lennie is alone people start to pick on him, and without George he’s lost.

“George says, I ain’t to have nothing to do with you- talk to you or nothing.” She laughed, “George giving you orders about everything”. (86)

Lennie obviously know that he’s not supposed to talking to Curly’s wife, but her goal is to try and get Lennie in trouble. Her whole goal in this book is to get all the men in trouble. Lennie is so un-educated that he doesn’t realize that George is telling him to stay away from Curly’s wife for his own good. Because if the fact that Curly’s wife doesn’t know when to back off she causes the biggest conflict in the book-the conflict of death. Curly’s wife is right George does always give Lennie’s order, but 99.9% of the time if Lennie had listened he would have avoided a major conflict between characters. If Lennie had listened to George Curly’s wife would have never died. I just think George should have a more efficient way to really get Lennie to understand talking to her is bad.

Lennie decided to walk into Crook’s room and have a conversation, because he was bored. But Crooks, the only African American on the ranch and a constant target of discrimination, doesn’t want anyone in his room. So he wants Lennie to understand why and how he feels this way; but like Curley’s wife he doesn’t know that mentioning certain things to Lennie can cause him to explode.

“We’ll s’pose, jus s’pose he don’t come back, what’ll you do then”. Lennie’s face wrinkled with apprehension. “I don’ know, say, what you doin anyways?” he cried. “This ain’t true, George ain’t got hurt”. (72)

All crook’s meant by saying this was, what if Lennie didn’t’ have anyone to defend him. What if he was alone? That’s all he meant but; Lennie doesn’t understand that so once again he has this though that, George hates him, and because of this he wants to hurt crooks. If people would only leave Lennie alone. People around the ranch don’t know how far Lennie can go, how crazy and dangerous Lennie really gets under fear. It seems like with every character or the majority are really testing Lennie for who he is. I know this has nothing to do with my thesis but still all the other characters seem to be testing Lennie on who he is with himself. With ought these characters testing who Lennie is in the inside there would be know conflict on the outside.

Ever since Curley met Lennie he’s had beef with him just because he’s a big guy. So everyone including George expected them to get into it just because. Lennie doesn’t like to fight with people but sometimes he has to because he doesn’t understand everything, but the conflict with Lennie was started out of just pure hate.

Lennie took his hands away from his face and looked about for George, and Curley slashed at
his eyes, the big face was covered with blood. (63)

In this fight shown above, once again another problem escalated into something that shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Curly didn’t need to start an unnecessary fight and because of this he broke his hand. People think they can just pick on Lennie because he has a slight mental disability but he still can beat anyone up if he needed to. This is one of those particular cases, where he had to defend himself so someone had to get hurt in order for them to do that. Before the fight even started Lennie was calling on George to help him, he listened to George which was the right thing to do, but it seems like at the end Steinbeck gives some details. Details that seems like Lennie is just second guessing should he have hurt curly or not. Once again he’s having a conflict vs a character; two in this case.
In conclusion I have proved how the main conflict is character vs. character. But overall I think this story has the same conflict as any other book. I believe Steinbeck didn’t want his central conflict to be known. So many other people have choose different conflicts; I just believe this book has know real main conflict it just have a bunch of different conflicts.The characters have friends and enemies so there’s nothing different. I don't really think this story is important to real life besides informing people how hard the depression was.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So every since I was born I have attended private or Charter which have all been under 400 students. CRAZY RIGHT. I am not a person to go ahead and spill my secrets to the word. So I think if I ever went to a big school like Tech or Berkeley High I would be just the same. But in my opinion I believe the amount of students or the type of students in a school can change you. I've gone to schools were education was exspensive but hard. Where the Minimum was that all the teachers expected you to excede, and they gave you tools to do that. As a result I do my work just becuase, I am so used to it about now. If I went to a public school I would still do my work the same exact way; and at the same time ever night.

Not to judge anyone but I think that if certain people at ASTI went to another school they wouldn't be the same person. I believe that other people do shape the way another human beings can think or act. I like to think that were always going to be the same person on the outside but were really not. WHERE IS THIS GOING? IDK. I guess Im just saying stuff on my mind, I thought coming to ASTI I wouldn't have to hear about petty drama, or little things that big schools have but guess what???? ASTI has the disease too. Me and some friends were talking about this the other day. Even though Im not in any of the drama it still annoys me. I guess ASTI isnt the school I thought it would be.

A few weeks ago Nawara put up a post about How its doing for the freshmen or whatever. I think the freshmen are really split up. Do i like asti so far. no. I actuallu think that ASTI would be a better school if it was bigger and more diverse.(No Racism intenneded.) ASTI is no diifrent from tech besides the majority pf the race is asian. It has its couples, Drama, popular groups, and all that. It just doesnt have that happy elemnet that Tech or Berkeley high has, I bet kids look forward to going to school in the morning when there at tech but i dont look forward to coming to school. We dont even have things like homecoming to even out the boring ness of ASTI, we just have boring alameda to back us up.

Prologue:Part 2

Prologue: Part 2
I felt an uncomfortable cold breeze as I read the letter from the clinic.
Quisha Rafiya Jones
Pregnant: Positive
STD: Negative
I was in complete shock. My body was tense; my stomach continued to kick, and my body was still drowning in pain. I didn’t know what to think or to do. I was scared I was frightened. I quickly remembered the moment my brother told my mom he got his Eighteen year old girlfriend pregnant. Even though he was little older than her it was still unacceptable for him to have gotten her pregnant. The day he told my mother that she went ballistic on him, and he immediately got kicked out the house.  My brother was her favorite child, so what would she do to me, when she found out I was pregnant.
I had to think back retrace my steps and think of who would be the father of my child, there are only two men possible. If I knew who the father was I could maybe convince my mother to allow me stay in her house. I needed to assure her that I can pay rent, work, go to school, and watch my child with-ought getting in her personal bubble. Staying out of her way would be easy I do that anyway. I knew for sure I defiantly couldn’t stay if I didn’t know who the father was so I was going to get on that issue first.
 The first option was Rae-Sean my first love and the man who raped me; or Drizzle the man who I voluntarily had sex with. Out of the two men I didn’t want either to be my baby’s father. However, from the better choice I choose Rae-Sean. I wasn’t going to just choose a ather I had to be smart about what I was thinking and what I would say too these two men. I preferably would tell Rae-Sean I’m pregnant first and see his reaction, and then I would tell Drizzle. I am not making myself seem like a hoe but I gots to look out for me and my unborn child, deep down though I had an instinct that this baby was probably drizzles. The first thing I was doin after this baby was born is I’m getting a blood test, to really find out who the baby's father was.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I did a response to Devin Liu's Football season predictions.

Wild cards would be the Texans and the vikings. Texans are a surprise team and vikings will barely get into the playoffs.
        Winning the AFC championship would be the colts. It would be a close one between the colts and the jets. Colts have great offense while jets have superb defense.
        Winning the NFC championship would be the packers. They would also be a surprise team.
        Super Bowl champion are the colts. They lost the Super Bowl game last year, but they will come back and win this year.

I know absolutely nothing about football but when I saw this I just had to respond. My opinions on who should win the super bowl is who has the cutest players, and the most popular teams. I really want the saints to win again just because Reggie Bush and his fine self is on the team. That would be great if they won two times in a row.

Does anyone remember Michael Vick? the dog fighter Guy. I want him to win also just because I think everyone was hating on him, with the whole dogfighting thing. Who cares that hes a dog fighter there are other dog fighters in the world as well. So why should Michael Vick not be allowed to play, so I want his to team to make a comeback if hes going to play for them.

I also want the 49ers or the Raiders to win the super bowl just because they would represent the bay area, That would be really great to me. Some kind of athletics that are representing the Bay area well and making it to the super bowl or somewhere not just playing.

So that's my response blog post for the week I don't think I want to or am going to put any blog posts up unless we have to do a third a one. I'm really tired of being bashed on my blog posts so I'm just not going to write ones like my previous ones anymore. So this is peace I don't think allot of people will read this bye, adios, sinarra, bonjour or any thing that means goodbye in another language. oh, choi!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Prologue to My Novel

Three’s a crowd
Three’s a crowd: Prologue Insert 1

I woke up to a hot breeze rolling over my body. It was early-summer June twenty-second exactly; the day that would change my life completely. I got out of bed and walked down the cold narrow hall way, passing my brothers room and the stairwell. I passed up the guest room and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the cold shiny mirror. As I looked at myself I saw an African-American, sixteen year old, rape victim. Every day I went on knowing I know longer was an innocent teenager, I cried and wept over the thought of not having my virginity. I hated this world for letting a man take my virginity; take my innocence. Every day I watched the news, and the police talk about how they were risking their lives trying to protect these young kids. Who where they protecting? Certainly not me. If they were protecting me I wouldn’t have been raped.
I walked to the shower, pain taking over my body. Legs were aching, feet throbbing, stomach kicking, and my heart pounding. It was like my heart was telling me get out, get out while you can. I was stuck, trapped inside my body. No way out. In the past two weeks my world and social life had gone from perfect to outcast. I had no friends, no life, and no family to help me through my troubles.
I walked out the bathroom observing my every move. Making sure no-one was coming up behind me. I was alone in this big, spacious house. I walked down the stairs, pass the kitchen, through the living room and to the front counter, rubbing my fingers across the smooth granite as I picked up the mail. I swiftly looked through the mail. I found a piece for me. The envelope read: Quisha Rafiya Jones. I ran my fingers around and under the envelope. I lightly tore the envelope open. My eyes fixed on the top left corner. From: East Oakland free clinic, read the top of the envelope.

A Path to Failure

Response to Karissa Coleman

So, I was thinking and i realized that out of pretty much all of the actors and actresses that started on Disney Channel there are very few of them that actually have a good, continuing acting career. When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs. I guess my point in writing this is to state my opinion that most acting careers that start on TV stations like the Disney Channel don't tend to last too long.
My sister and I have the same discussion a bout this all the time. How come the people with the best voices go on Disney channel? Disney Channel takes you know where in life so its not understandable why you would go there. People like Miley Cyrus want to be huge stars but there fans and there only fans, are little kids who buys these little kid all there iCarly merchandise and Hannah Montana tickets the PARENTS. Sp if one day one  of these stars ants to hit the big screen they have to change there appearance, they have  to look older. So if these parents see Hannah Montana on a sexually clad magazine are they still going to support her no, there probably not.

That's why when I hear of great kids singer and then the nest day I hear how they got signed to Disney Channel or Nickelodeon I feel so bad. I wish I coud've went up to them and said hey"Don't do it". People don't realize if you have an magnificent voice or some sort of talent going to theses show is no the way to go because you wont get any respect and guess what? you wont get famous when you try to branch on and do your own thing, Its like Disney channel and Nick have a super hold on you.

I can make some exceptions adults who go on there to do things like Mickey Mouse Play house, and all that stuff, that's different because people don't see them as that Disney channel star.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response to Sagga-Style

Last week I wrote posts called Swagga-Style when I started the post I just wanted to write about fashion. If you look at it, the post, it is very skimpy I wrote that posts not thinking anyone but Mr. Sutherland would read it. But a lot of people read it and didn't like it. A lot of people said that it was very "Racist", first of all people don’t know the correct or proper meaning for the word Racist. And secondly I still do love my post people said I'm very biased- that’s true I am very biased. I have an opinion, and I’m probably never going to change, one student instead of commenting on how I wrote my post, she said how I could have wrote my post so people understood it more, so thank you.

People threw around the word “Racist” all the time. In seventh grade I thought every white person was bad because of slavery- that was a very biased opinion. In seventh grade people called me a Racist. So I went in the dictionary and looked up the word Racist.

Racist-To hold Racial power over another being, or group of beings, (Not Copied or paste my words)

Racist or Racism-abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief (Dictionary.Com)

I can’t hold power over anyone I am only fourteen. If I was a teacher or the President then technically I could hold power over people opinion but I cant’ so I’m not Racist.I know it seems like I’m being a hypocrite because if you here me Im always saying the word Racist. But I am so dead serious on that word.

According to the text my definitions is very close to Dictionary.Com, but not spot on. I will stay with my Biased opinion because believe it or not were all very biased, because a lot of people are not going to change there opinions for any one else. I respect the fact that people wrote and gave there personal feedback toward my piece, but I think I’m going to stay with my discriminatory notions. I think a better word to use is discrimination it’s more accurate.

Please comment and can you say in my box if you’re commenting or not.

Today during P.E. my classmates and I were having a very serious/jokey debate on who can say the N-word. Another African-American students was on my debate side and two Caucasian students were together a female, and male. Keep in my this student was a sophomore. So the N-word came up. Usually it can be said just out of fun when African American's Sais it but it sounded really discriminatory, when this particular Caucasian student said it. Me and my debate partner stopped our football game and said “you can’t say that, your not black”, and then the other student said “Why not? If black people call themselves that than why can’t I” That’s when the debating started.

Me and my partner didn’t care about the fact that Black people use that term everyday to call themselves that, its very racist to say that, not coming from and African-Americans mouth. The other sides debate was “If I’m dating the N-Word ending in -ger- that’s a different word ending in -ga-“, They kept repeating “We can say if you can say it” Then our reaction came “we can’t stop you from saying the N-Word, but if you say it that’s a death wish” The majority of black people I know wouldn’t fight  over anything, so I’m not guaranteeing that they would get thrown off the bridge, I am just saying that using a very Controversial word like if offense if you are non African-American and say it.

After we ended the debate, they brought it up again “I’m just saying when I say it ending in –ga- I mean my homey”, we said “The N-word comes from the Spanish word Negro for the color black, slave owners adopted that word using it as a bad term towards African-Americans, so know matter how u say it how u want to phrase, if your white then it is not appropriate for you to say?

Not too long ago I was watching a segment on the new where an Old Caucasian women, had used the N-Word on her very popular radio station. She also said ”The only reason why Barack Obama was even elected president was because black people said because he’s I’m black I’m going to vote for him” Did she get a chance to keep her show No. The Caucasian man who had been interviewing her was very upset she tried justifying what she had said he didn’t want to hear any part of it. If some white person is brave enough to use the N-Word I want them to go into a room filled with African-Americans, and say both versions of the N-Word in a speech Lets see what happens.

Please Reply I would love to here Feedback, but can you put in my comment box whether you replied or not.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Vocab List


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I took a qoute from Ruby and Pedro's Opening Satement-Born Gay

Is sexual orientation determined at birth? We believe it is not.A person’s sexual orientation is not determined at birth, but it is simply shaped at an early age, possibly when the person has begun to reach puberty, or as early as they can communicate with peers.There are several arguments against our speculation of the matter, but here are a few of ours: The word 'gay' has been used time and time again in the most negative form possible. Since society has welcomed this, homosexuality is now something that is frowned upon, and ridiculed. Most people who have had homosexual thoughts or feelings shun them and neglect them because they do not want to become the outcast in society's perfect aristocracy of people. Does this not make homosexuality a decision? Or make it able to control/change? Some say that homosexuality is not a choice, but so far no study has proven that to be true. 
I agree with Ruby and Pedro 100%. I think that being gay is not something that can be changed or manipuplated, I think it is truly feelings, that can not be rearanged. I have never herd of anyone being "born gay" or having the "gay gene". That's rediculous in my opinion and I think its absolutley stupid for some one to think that. I believe that if we all started think being gay is a gene, that scientist would try to chnage this which cannot be done not at all.

The fact that people who like there own sex are trashed upon, and hated against I think is very discrimantory and should defintley be changed. I dont agree with people stopping others from doing what they want as long as they are not really hurting others.

Every generation has there group to hate onand discriminateagainst, and our generation is hating on Arabs and Gay-Lovers. I'm going to say this up front I don't believe saying the word "Fag", or "Homo" is offensive. At all those are words that do mean gay so if youre going to be gay you need to be proud of it.

During slavery I bet some African-American's hated there skin, becuase the way they were being treated. But it's not like they could change it. They didn't have a choice. Alotof people compare Civil African-American rights to Gay rights and how there so similar. But they have there Diffrences and Similarities.Tru both where or are still being hated against. But Homosexuals aren't being lynched. Some are being bullied, hated, and even killed. But the majority are not. One major diffrence that African-Americans and Homosexuals don't have in common is public appeal. Black people can't change there skin tone, so they never hid who they where. But Gay Lovers can just change the way they act, look, or even talk. Gay people need to be proud of who they are, becuase if there not proud of  who they are everyone around them will surely knock them down and not stop doing it, becuase beileve it or not some people think being gay is Contangious.


Who decides what style is? how do we know what style is in at the time? Who changes tyle? Who can wear that style?

1910's-Big hats,Fancy Dreeses, Suits, Minc Cotes
1920's-Comfort Outfits,roll up stockings, nect ties, horse riding boots
1930's-Man made fiber dresses, paris styles
1940's-Pin up-Girls long curls, silk robes, long dresses
1950's- Short Hair, Elvis pressley hour glass figures
1960's-Hippi, Bikini's, Afro's, Black Panther, Beattles
1970's-Silk Scarves, Hot Pants, Mini Skirt's, Afro's, Punk, One piece bathinh suits
1980's-Prep, Converse, Thriller, Madonna,Leg warmers, Bright Colores, Cindi Lauper, Aviator Glasses, Big, Bold, China loose Bangs
1990's-Shell suit sweats,jeans, t-shirt's,leggings,unitard
2000's-Uggs, Jeans, Shudder Glasses, Flip-Flop's, Bob Cuts, Smeakers, Heels
2010's-Skinny Jeans, Bright Color's, Plaid, Smeakers, Skateboards, Baggy Pants, Tank Tops, Butty Shorts

In the time between 1910 thorigh 2010 the styles changeconstantly. But who decides these styles? My mom always sais

"If all your friends where wearing this, so would you"
Alot of people say its the celebrity's that are the ones to choose the style and change it up as much as they want but reall, it's not the celebrities its the youth them selves, Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj Totally Dress crazy and all out there, but every kidd around the street can't mimick there style to the fullest.

When you see a white guy saggin his pants do you get mad? Yeah
When you see a black with skinny Jeans and a skateboard do you get mad? No

Maybe its becuase I'm black but inter racial fashions annoy you? Sometimes I say this becuase ever since the saggin pance era started in person other than a black that was saggin hid pants, always had some negativecomment comming from them, But when Black guys start dressing like white guys with skinny jeans and skate boards no one sais anything. WHY IS THAT?

I think fashion is an expression of who you are, I;m not saying every white person who wants to, try and dress black I'm not saying that. But I think styles have to fit you inside and out. Just becase you may feel like your black doesn't mean youa re. I'm not being racist but still.

When you read this can you respond or comment,what do you think about Fashion????????????

Monday, September 13, 2010

Rebutal Abortion should be legal

Con-Abortion said that the declartion of independce states life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They say

"Killing a child in the womb is defiance to the declaration of independce".
They say that its the childs life and they should choose whether to live or not. But it's not the childs life until there born, and they won't be making important decisions for themselves until there eighteen, Its not the child life it's the mothers life, not the childs. For eighteen years the mother is going to be the one making all the decisions not the child, so the mother should be able to choose if she's ready or not.

If a mother gives birth to a child and she only gives birth to it becuase she can't get rid of it, how is the mother and the child going to feel. For the rest of this mothers life this mother is going to have this child that she doesn't want and can't get rid off and becuase of that she can't provide the right love, which can lead to depression in the mother and or the child, Depression along with divorce, violence, bad schools, rejection, and abuse are causes for teen suicide. Alot of times teens will atempt suicide but will never complete, such as cutting wrist, or tattoo's. These methods can be much more painful then getting an abortion.

The child will actually feel this pain. Rather as in an abortion, the child who technically isn’t even a child yet, “can’t fell anything”. Mother’s have to live there whole life with this guilt that the only reason why-My child is alive is because a bunch of people who don’t know me or my situation said I shouldn’t be able to abort my child. How ridiculous is that. When you think about, when your voting on Abortion, or Gay Rights thing like that you are affecting at least two other peoples lives, probably in a negative. Some women at the end of the day can’t handle raising a child or giving away there own flesh and blood to a total stranger, that’s why abortion should be legal.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bullying at ASTI

I decided to quote Jessica Chen

There are a myriad of reason of why people would want to bully others. An example may be that someone is hurt and they felt mad so they want to bully someone to let out their madness. The last reason may be that the bully had been bullied before so they want to become a bully and protect them. An example may be that a boy was very smart and was bullied because of his smartness and one day he got mad and sick of getting bullied so he decided to bully others. In conclusion, there are many reasons why people would bully each other and I had also experienced getting bullied. This is something that would be in people’s everyday lives.
I agree with everything Jennifer said. She made alot of points that were great. She gives many examples, that prove her point, and my point that bullying is caused for many diffrent reasons. ASTI is a very small school and becuase its a very small school there shouldn't be any bullying going on. I think that ASTI's constitution was made becuase the students didn't want o feel, put down, or bulllied. So they wrote a very strict constitution to protect themselves and there classmates. I noticed when I was reading the constitution it was really only talkin about making sure bullies dont hurt people.

This constituion makes me think that there has been a lot bullying and disctrimantion at ASTI. I agree that everything Jessica said is true. The bullying that was at ASTI should not continue. The bullying mmust have been really bad if the students created a whole comstitution about it. Bullying is really wrong and it shouldn't be done, whether your doing it or your just participationg in it its still wrong. But alot of times people don't realize that there bullying another person, so alot of times they can't stop what they're doing if they dont know it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Odd Girl Out

Me being bullied and people bullying me go hand and hand. There have been times when I’ve bullied people and other people have bullied me. But the one time I felt like I was being ganged up on, was when I was in the seventh grade. I know when reading my writing it seems like my seventh grade year was hell; and that people would through eggs at me all day. But in the seventh grade I thought every one there was my friend, and they really weren’t that’s what made my experience so horrible.

In seventh grade I went to a really small school with only thirty-six kids in the whole middle school and high school, nine students in my class, three other girls in my class, and nine middle school girls. I was really close too three people. But it seemed like every time I turned around they had something to say. It doesn’t really matter to me if people make fun of me, but when I trust someone and they think it’s a joke; so they spread rumors “lies” about me’ that’s not cool.

I remember another time when all girls in my grade ganged up on me, i felt so hurt; so when I told one of them to leave me alone and take accountability for her own actions. Then she began to cry; and then the whole school came at me crazy. Like I did something wrong, and for the rest of the day I didn’t talk to anyone but my friend Adjanai. After that situation I don’t really talk to anyone that’s in the same grade as me. I haven’t in over a year and probably won’t any time soon.

In both of those particular situations I didn’t have many choices, to ignore or leave. There wasn’t anywhere to leave to or anyone to ignore. It was so little of us everything I did I did with the same people who would be mean and horrible to me. My whole time in the seventh grade I only had one friend, and she was also getting bullied on as well. For the longest I swore those people were my friends but all along they really weren’t and I was too blinded to know that.

I think that people bully others to either 1) get attention 2) Out of spite 3) superiority 4) jealousy or 5) personal issues at home. I feel like when certain people get around others who don’t speak for themselves or are shy, they think that those kind of people are the kind of people they can control. So basically I think that people bully others, so they can control; because they get controlled themselves.
